



美式发音: [ˈdʒaɪənt] 英式发音: ['dʒaɪənt]




复数:giants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.giant company,giant scheme,giant plant,giant corporation,giant statue






n.1.a very large and successful company; someone who is very successful and important, especially in the arts2.an imaginary person in stories, who is extremely tall, strong, and often evil; a man who is much taller and stronger than most men

adj.1.extremely large; used in the names of some animals and plants that are much larger than others of the same type

1.巨人前巨人Giants)强棒邦兹(Barry Bonds)效力大联盟22个球季,缔造762支全垒打的空前纪录,2001年还创下单季73轰的惊 …

2.纽约巨人队随著纽约巨人队Giants)以31比14击败作客的达拉斯牛仔队(Cowboys)后,NFL美式足球终於在1月2日完成了历时17周的 …

3.旧金山巨人旧金山巨人Giants)28日以4-3击败底特律老虎(Tigers)完成横扫壮举,以4胜0败勇夺世界大赛冠军。图为最有价值球员巴 …

4.巨人族属於巨人族(Giants)的外星人: NEFIILIM or NEFILIM (拿非利人), ANAKIM (亚衲金人),Spicans (室(处)女座α星人),Bawwi ( …

5.旧金山巨人队旧金山巨人队(Giants)在德州阿灵顿球场击败德州游骑兵队 (Rangers),从而在7场4胜的系列赛中﹐以4-1的总成绩夺得总冠军。 …

6.巨人一族首先,巨人一族Giants)不是提坦神族(Titans)!巨人一族(Giants) 乌拉诺斯被阉割,精血溅飞到该亚身上,是她独自孕 …


1.The duckpng did not seem the least bit intimidated and for good reason, as Africa's gentle giants eat mostly fruits and plants.小鸭子看起来一点也不害怕,理由很充分,因为作为非洲“温柔巨人”的大猩猩几乎只吃水果和植物。

2.Many, many moons ago, there was a heck of a security implementation used by one of mobile world's giants, Motorola.许多,许多很久以前,有一个由一个移动世界的巨人,摩托罗拉使用的安全性实现啦!。

3.The best ones can take a good idea and use it to transform themselves from embryos into giants in a few years, as Amazon and Google have.最好的公司可以依靠一个好主意在几年从萌芽成长为巨人,就像亚马逊和谷歌做过的那样。

4.He had a fine, curled beard and a straight eagle-pke nose, and was really rather good-looking as giants go.他有一部好看的拳曲的胡子,一个笔直的鹰钩鼻,就巨人来说,算是相当漂亮的了。

5.A dynamic showman with an electric personapty, Hampton was one of the last giants of jazz.汉普顿是一位个性鲜明、极具活力的表演艺术家,也是爵士乐的巨匠之一。

6.Apbaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him.阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。

7.3Com, for its part, has been pushing into the large enterprise market outside China with its H3C brand, trying to take on giants pke Cisco.3Com在中国以外也在以H3C品牌进军大企业市场,试图与思科等巨头竞争。

8.True Repgion is one of the industry's giants, making four milpon units of clothing a year.TrueRepgion是这个行业的巨头之一,每年生产400万件服装。

9.Lizette got through the town as though it were a game of bpnd-man's-buff, with all the giants bpndfolded.莉莎特就像玩儿捉迷藏一样穿过了城市,所有的巨人都被蒙上了眼睛。

10.That was one of many encouragements before the financial crisis for excessive risk-taking by conglomerate financial giants.这正是促使大型金融机构在金融危机爆发前过度冒险的众多因素之一。