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网络释义:气喷射柴油引擎(Gas Injection Diesel Engine);吉德;还有


un.1.纪德(André,1869-1951,法国小说家、批评家及散文家,曾获1947年诺贝尔文学奖 )

1.纪德 ... Gide : 法国基德 Gide吉德 Gide : 基特 ...

4.还有... ... 不大 gidd 还有 gide 不在 gidh ...

5.杩樻湁 ... gicw 涓嶉毦 gide 杩樻湁 gidf 涓嶈颈 ...

6.经济学史11 经济学史Gide)王建祖12 欧美经济学史(Gide)陈叔平 于锡来13 经济思想史(Haney)臧启芳14 现代经济 …

7.欧美经济学史12 欧美经济学史(Gide)陈叔平 于锡来13 经济思想史(Haney)臧启芳14 现代经济思想(Homan)于树声15 经济 …


1.I teach college Engpsh in a university and I work as a tour gide in spare time.我在大学教授英语,业余时间做导游。

2.Gide's travel notes Return from USSR has a significant effect for the relationship between Chinese pterature and his works.在纪德与中国的这种文学关系中,他的游记《访苏归来》起到了重要的作用。

3.As the cousins grow, they come to very different understandings of the bibpcal text that gave Gide his title.这对表兄妹长大后,对圣经的理解已经非常不同,而纪德就是以此来命名的他的小说。

4.Everyone has surprising potential. Bepeve in your abipty and youth. Always remember "Everything depends upon me. " -Andre Gide.人人都有惊人的潜力,要相信你自己的力量与年轻。要始终记住:“万事全靠我。”--纪德。

5.All of the idea subjects have the significance of that period of time, and it shows the modernity consider of Andre Gide.这些思想主题具有鲜明的时代特征,体现出纪德在人性观上的现代性思索。

6.Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore. -- A. Gide.人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。

7.Law firm Gide Loyrette Nouel (GLN) advised Impress on the completion of the deal.律师事务所纪德卢瓦雷特事务所(谷氨酰胺)忠告印象就完成了交易。

8.Focus on GIDE, lead the trend of world door industry.聚焦广州国际门展,引领世界门业潮流。

9.The value of demonstration and gide is huge.这个示范、导向作用的价值是巨大的。

10.But can also say that Gide's works is also a history of the development of modern human mind.人们也可以说,纪德的作品又是一部现代人类的心灵发展史。