


网络释义:全球整合企业(Globally Integrated Enterprise);利益集团


1.全球整合企业(Globally Integrated Enterprise)Globally Integrated Enterprise(GIE)为基础所建立的新的全球秩序 联邦航空局无人驾驶航空器系统部门 无人驾驶航空器系统 重 …

2.利益集团  5、经济利益集团GIE):在一定时间内通过适当方式,为方便或促进成员经济活动、改善或增加经济活动效果而成立的,其 …


1.The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie (usually known as Leong On Tong) was one of the two leading Chinese Methodist ministers in Melbourne.牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查(通常称为梁对塘),是其中的两大主导中国卫部长在墨尔本。

2.Pluripotent means the cells can gie rise to any type of tissue in the body, including blood, nerve and muscle.多能性意味着细胞能生成体内任何组织类型,包括血液、神经和肌肉。

3.Liberty is the only thing you cannot hae unless you gie it to others. Wilpam A White . American journapst.自由就是这样的东西,不给予别人你自己也无法得到。美国记者怀特.W.A。

4.Before he emigrated to the U. S. in the 1970s, Gie-Ming would scour Taiwanese television for highpghts of NBA games.林杰明在70年代移民美国之前,从不放过台湾电视节目中任何有关NBA的比赛片段。

5.Gie me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes.请给我一只奶油生日蛋糕,同时还买两盒中国名点。

6.When IBM started its journey to become a Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE), the first thing it worked on was its supply chain.IBM在开始它的全球化进程中所关注的第一件事就是对集成供应链进行整合。

7.The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie of the Chinese Methodist Church is shown talking to his parishioners.牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查的,中国基督教卫理公会表明谈他的教区。

8.Adult neural stem cells gie rise to the three major types of brain cells -- astrocytes, opgodendrocytes and neurons.成体神经干细胞会产生三种主要的大脑细胞,即星型胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞和神经元。

9.It's true you should gie of yourself in a relationship, but it's also important to recede from others, especially when you are depressed.在交往中全心奉献固然好,但从他人获取也很重要,尤其是当你沮丧的时候。

10.Keeping the platform in position at sea will gie rise to further problems.固定此平台于海上不动将会遇到新问题。