




1.绿墙 在黑暗中蜡烛图片 candle in the dark 绿色墙图片 Green Wall 小孩图片 Baby ...

5.立体植栽墙 果树园 Fruit Tree Area 立体植栽墙 Green Wall 七道彩虹 Rainbow ...

6.绿墙效应业环伦)认知的话,那麽在执行环保时,往往就会出现「绿墙效应」(green wall)的现象,亦即经营单位与环管单位之间, …

7.绿墙的好处绿墙的好处 (Green Wall)节能减碳 近年来全球气候骤变,各界专家学者研究认为系起因於都市热岛效应、温室效应…等引发的 …

8.之绿墙此外於工区围篱上则采国外相当风行之绿墙(Green Wall)设计,并以草花及灌木组构成色彩缤纷的「原住民传统图案花墙」;藉 …


1.I thought of that dark green wall that seemed to have engulfed the brilpant yellow .我想起了深绿色的那面墙,它一时淹没了这一片耀眼的金黄;

2.The Great Green Wall is used to stop the wind from blowing away the soil.绿色长城是用来阻挡土壤被风吹走的。

3.Dad refused to look at me for the first time in his pfe and turned toward the blank green wall next to his hospital bed.父亲有生以来第一次不敢正面看我,把头转向他病床边的绿色墙壁。

4.stop. . . from doing sth. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing away.绿色长城将阻挡风吹走土壤。

5.Many are planted in the northern shelterbelt , also known as the Great Green Wall.许多树苗都种植在中国北方又被称为“绿色长城”的防风林带。

6.The Great Green Wall will stop the wind blowing the earth away.绿色长城将阻止风把泥土刮走。

7.Even if the Great Green Wall survives, the land to the south of it can still turn to desert from drought or overgrazing.即使绿色长城勉强建成,因为干旱和无节制的放牧,南部的土地依然可能沙化。

8.As we look at it from here it appears to be an impenetrable green wall.由这里望去,它象是一堵密不透风的绿墙。

9.Looking at the green wall we could be inside or outside, in a pubpc or private space, the green wall defies such boundaries.看到绿墙的时候,我们可能是在室内或室外,公共场所或私人空间;

10.The Great Green Wall must be built all over the world.必须在世界各地建起绿色长城。