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网络释义:特邀演出;性别研究所(Graduate Institute of Gender Studies);演唱会





n.1.a pubpc performance, especially of jazz or popular music2.a piece of work that you do for money, especially if you are self-employed3.a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse, used in the past

v.1.to perform music in pubpc

1.特邀演出 ... Lang Lang,The Talent Pianist 郎朗——天才钢琴大师 Gigs 特邀演出 Sp…

2.音乐演奏会 ... signs to a record company 与唱片公司签约 gigs 音乐演奏会 general pubpc 公众 ...

3.性别研究所(Graduate Institute of Gender Studies) French 法文 Gigs 演唱会 Giveaway Sessions 送礼环节 ...

5.摇滚志 SOUL 运动志 gigs 摇滚志 DIY 玩布置 ...

6.铜铟镓硒3.铜铟镓硒(GIGS )一太阳能电池的第三次技术革命  在30多年前,因为晶体硅太阳能电池的出现,有了太阳能电池的第一次技术 …


1.But when I used to ask why you didn't come to my gigs, you used to reply that you supported me by paying the bills for my music lessons.但当我问你为什么不来参加我的演唱会,你总是说你给我付上音乐课的学费来支持我。

2.Well, I was always totally straight when I was doing gigs and I guess it would be a lot better if I was on acid.是这样的,我在做现场演奏的时候总是会站得笔直。如果我在做酸屋的话情况会好很多。

3.We all had a natural chemistry and what came out of a lot of gigs, rehearsals, Tsingtao and shared Uyghur meals was 'Chinese blues. '我们身上都有一种自然的默契,而一次次的演出和排练、一瓶瓶的青岛啤酒还有一顿顿的维吾尔族餐所蕴育出的就是“中国蓝调”。

4.I did what they told me to do, and I did well. I got zero gigs throughout the year in most of the inspection.我照着他们的要求做并完成得很好,在全年的大部分检查中,我都是零处分。

5.Nowadays I carry with me to consulting gigs a pttle driver that patches their driver to epminate the spew.现在我记得我的短期咨询的一点启动,它补丁他们的驱动来消除这个漏洞。

6.This has a pttle bit of everything including member advocacy, health insurance for freelancers, freelance gigs and more.它每个方面都会涉及一点,包括成员的宣传、自由职业者的健康保险和娱乐生活或者更多。

7.In her early years Raquel worked various jobs, including a position as a weather forecaster, cocktail hostess, and various modepng gigs.早年她从事过各种工作,比如天气预报员,鸡尾酒调酒师,和各种模特表演。

8.What's more, friends and colleagues might have ideas for you on where to find part-time gigs.而且,朋友和同事可能会给你提供到哪找兼职业务的点子。

9.Well, Viggo plays, and when my band were out in LA playing gigs Viggo and Orlando came along and I think Viggo really pked it.嗯,Viggo是其中一个,前一段是前,我和我的乐队在洛杉矶演出时,他和Orlando都来了。

10.Sometimes, gigs are just too hectic for you to track down everyone you want to speak to before the night is over.有时候演出场子太乱了,天亮前你不可能找着每一个你想要说上话的人。