




1.情 贤 Hyeon or Hyun Jeong 娜 Na ...

3.郑某 ... 89. T_ara-Qri - 李居丽 90. After School-Jeong a - 正雅 7. Big Bang-G_Dragon - 权志龙 ...


1.Jeong expects that Japan, as a highly developed country, will take a stance closer to that of the United States.Jeong认为,日本作为经济高度发达的国家,将采取更加接近于美国的态度。

2.There were a dinner with Jeong Hoon on the cruise, a meet &greet with Jeong Hoon and a special night showcase by Jeong Hoon .在观光船上与桢勋一起的晚餐,与桢勋聚会及问候的特别夜晚由桢勋主持。

3.Lee Jeong-led everyone in a bayonet fight with the enemy.李贞带领大家同敌人拼刺刀。

4.There is always a child in the heart, whose name is Kim Jeong Hoon .只是心里,永远都住着一个孩子—金桢勋。

5.Jeong-eun came into power a years ago after the death of his father Kim Jong Il.金正恩一年前在父亲金正日死后上台。

6.Park put Choi in touch with a children's foundation, Child Fund Korea, and social worker Yu Hyun Jeong took on his case.朴贞安排崔成奉和一个叫“韩国儿童基金”的组织取得了联系,社工于玄贞帮助了他。

7.Mr. Jeong said most of the new recruits were laid-off office workers or university students who could no longer afford tuition.Jeong先生说,多数新受到招聘的人们是下岗办公室人员或无法承担学费的大学生。

8.This year the show was brought back in Las Vegas, broadcast pve on ABC, and hosted by "The Hangover 2" star Ken Jeong.今年,颁奖典礼在拉斯维加斯重新举行,美国广播公司进行了直播,并由《宿醉2》的主角肯•杰昂主持。

9.Jeong door lookout middle-aged man said he came here Kandian few days, a friend introduced.门口望风的中年男子郑某说,他来这里看店没几天,是朋友介绍的。

10.That is all of my experiences with Kim Jeong Hoon during his stay.这是我所有与金桢勋逗留期间的经验。