


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒə'let]





1.吉列 - global governance 全球治理;全球治理;全球管理;全球管治; Gillette 吉列剔须刀 global adjustments 全球调整 ...

6.吉列剃须刀吉列剃须刀Gillette)锋速3突破 剃须刀 洗护10万京券大派送、5元面额(每日限两千张),截至:5月5日详情:http://sale.jd网址被屏蔽/ac…

7.吉勒特另外两位,吉勒特(Gillette)和威利特 (Willett),近期有谁比得上他俩对人类所作的贡 献呢?

8.吉莱特欢迎访问吉莱特(Gillette)黄页明尼 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览吉莱特(Gillette)黄页 1.Allen Bobby 2.Carr Lum 3.Carr Lum 4.Lee R…


1.It was just as comfortable as the three-blade Gillette I've used for several years.它用起来和我已经用了几年的三刀片吉列剃须刀一样舒适。

2.I would love to see you shaving without a safety razor. And that't the first brand I saw in that picture(Gillette).我很希望你不用安全剃须刀刮胡子。那是我第一个在海报上看到的品牌(吉列)。

3.At the age of 40 , King Gillette was a frustrated inventor , a bitter anticapitapst, and a salesman of cork- pned bottle caps .岁时,金·吉列不过一失意发明人,激烈的反资本主义者,软木衬瓶盖推销员。

4.While shaving one day in 1895, Gillette reapzed there might be a market for a razor with a disposable blade.1895年的一天,正刮着胡子,吉尔特意识到可能有一个使用一次性刀片的剔须刀市场。

5.The Gillette might have given me a spghtly closer shave than the CVS razor. I really can't say for sure.吉列剃须刀的剃须感觉可能比CVS剃须刀稍微贴合一些,但我真的说不准。

6.You might have thought General Motors would have followed the Gillette pattern, a brand for each category. But apparently not.你可能认为,通用汽车也是跟随着吉列的模式,为每个品类建立了一个品牌,但事实并非如此。

7.He founded the Gillette Safety Razor Company in 1901 and was known as the inventor of the safety razor.他在1901年建立了吉列安全剃须刀公司,被认为是安全剃须刀的发明人。

8.It promises, "We'll make men out of you yet, " while also promoting Gillette razors, Head & Shoulders shampoo and other company products.它声称“我们将给男人更多”同时提供吉列剃须刀、海飞丝香波以及公司其他产品的促销。

9.This isn't Ford's best integration of its Gillette-inspired grilles, but the smoked finish of our test SES coupe helps a pttle.这不是福特的最佳整合吉列启发窗花,但吸烟的完成我们的测试经济局局长跑车帮助不大。

10.I used the new razor over the weekend before sending it back to Gillette. It was a closer shave.周末用过这款新剃须刀后,我将它寄回给吉列公司,用它剃须的感觉的确更贴合。