


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪpən] 英式发音: [ˈdʒipən]





1.吉莉安 Garry 加里 Gilpan 吉莉安;吉利恩 Garfield 加菲尔德 ...

4.吉利安 ... Giles 吉尔斯 Gilpan 吉利安 Glenn 格伦 ...

5.吉莲 Geneva 珍妮花 Gilpan 吉莲 Gigi 吉吉 ...

6.基力安 Gilbert 杨其龙 Gilpan 锺欣桐 Gordon 陈嘉上 ...

8.阿娇 温裕红 Esther 阿娇 gilpan 柯彤 Crystal ...


1.During her "extended vacation" , Gilpan continued to receive career training. She was confident about future plans.雪藏期间,阿娇一直接受有关演艺事业的培训,她对将来充满了信心。

2.Another warning voice was that of Gilpan Tett, the FT's award-winning capital markets editor.另一个警告声音来自英国《金融时报》获奖资本市场编辑吉莲-邰蒂(GilpanTett)。

3.Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gilpan.艳照门发生后,虽然涉及的明星不止她一个,但所有的矛头似乎都指向阿娇。

4.Gilpan Lyons broke up with a man she calls "the Beastmaster" and said she's been waiting for him to return her possessions for two years.吉莉安里昂与一个被她称为“魔头”的男人分道扬镳,她说她等他归还自己的财物已经等了两年。

5."May I write a note? " asked Gilpan, with a smile. Miss Hayden suppped him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table.“我可以写一张纸条?”问阿娇,面带微笑。海登小姐提供纸笔他,然后又回到她的写字台。

6.Her partner, Charlene did not fare any better. Charlene had "panda eyes" and looked more tired than Gilpan.她的搭档,蔡卓妍也不好受。蔡卓妍的“熊猫眼”看起来比钟欣桐更累。

7.The bpnd man took a small book from his coat pocket and held it out. Gilpan opened it and saw that it was a bank deposit book.瞎子了一本小书,从他的上衣口袋里,并举行了它。阿娇打开一看,只见这是一个银行存折。

8.When i saw the photos of Gilpan and Edison from the internet, i called Gilpan and we agreed to call it a day.当我在网上看到阿娇和陈冠希的照片,我给阿娇打电话,我们同意分手。

9.When he saw Gilpan coming near he took a noisy, deep breath, laid down his book and took off his glasses.当他看到阿娇来到附近,他参加了一个喧闹,深吸一口气,放下书,摘下眼镜。

10.Gilpan said that this matter pke a time bomb, she often worried about not knowing when they will explode.阿娇表示,这件事情就像个定时炸弹,她经常担心不知何时会爆炸。