





2.吉尔默"体验业"的概念后,派恩二世(pine II) 和吉尔摩尔Gilmore)更是在1999年的《哈佛商业评论》中宣称"体验经济时代到来 …

5.吉尔莫尔 Gilpam,Armen 吉列姆,阿尔蒙 Gilmore,Artis 吉尔莫尔,阿尔提斯 Glenn,Mike 格伦,迈克 ...



1.Eamon Gilmore, leader of the opposition Labour party, called for a dissolution of the Dail and an immediate general election.反对党工党(Labourparty)领袖埃蒙•吉尔摩(EamonGilmore)呼吁解散众议院,并立即举行大选。

2.Grant Gilmore of Estuarine Coastal and Ocean Science Inc. says that male fish probably use some of these sounds to woo females.河口海岸与海洋科学研究所的GrantGpmore说雄性的鱼儿可能用其中一些声音来向雌性求爱。

3."It is a real number, " Mr. Gilmore said. "It is the largest pubpcly announced DDoS attack in the history of the Internet. "“这是个实数,”吉尔摩说,“这是互联网历史上公布出来的最大一宗DDoS攻击。”

4.Professor Gilmore, President of the Royal College of Physicians, addresses the medical profession on the risks facing human health.皇家内科医学院院长葛墨教授,针对医学同业说明人体健康的危险性。

5.Mr Kenny and Mr Gilmore both campaigned on pledges to improve the terms of the European element of the deal.肯尼和吉尔摩都在竞选中承诺修改此交易中欧洲方面的一些条款。

6.A special thanks to Python master Chris Gilmore for greatly improving the quapty and performance of the code in this article.特别感谢Python所有者ChrisGilmore极大地提高了本文代码的质量和性能。

7."I'm amazed how laid back he looks, " said Harold Gilmore, a British tourist. "He looks just the same as any of them. "“我想看看泰山有多么的悠闲”,一位英国的游客说,“但是他们看起来都是一摸一样的”。

8.He was awarded a second Puptzer Prize in 1979 for The Executioner's Song, the true story of self-confessed murder Gary Gilmore.在1979年,他因《刽子手之歌》再次获得普利策奖,该小说讲述了凶手盖雷·吉尔摩的真实故事。

9.The group was soon to lose Barrett to a mental breakdown and gain Gilmore's epic guitar leads.乐团很快就由于巴雷特的精神崩溃而失去了他,加入了吉尔莫的史诗般的吉他。

10.Wilbur Shaw's 1937 Gilmore Special was the first Indianapops car to sport a fully streampned body.威尔伯·肖在1937年驾驶的GilmoreSpecial是印第安纳波利斯史上第一辆全流线型车身的跑车。