




1.庭园 ‧枫丹白露宫 Chateau de Fontainebleau ‧庭园 Jardin ‧圣拉萨尔车站 Gare St-Lazare ...

2.哈尔丁 ... 哈尔丁 Halldin 哈尔丁 Jardin 哈尔丁格 Halldinger ...

3.贾尔丁 Janssen,H. 杨森 Jardin 迦丁 Jeffery.C.R 杰弗里 ...

5.加丁 ... 雅尔东 Jardon 雅尔丹 Jardin 雅尔代 Jardet ...


1.He had obtained a corner in the Jardin des Plantes, with a good exposure, to make his trials with indigo "at his own expense. "他在植物园里获得一角光照通风都好的地,用来“自费”试种靛青。

2.Parisians love to stroll in the Luxembourg Gardens (le Jardin du Luxembourg) with its fountains, flowers and extensive lawns.巴黎人喜欢在「卢森堡花园」里四处徜徉,园中有喷泉、花丛和宽阔草坪。

3."That's from the Jardin des Plantes, too, " said he. "I took that from the monkeys. "“这也是植物园里的,”他说,“我是从猴子那里取来的。”

4.Loango, a crown male Mangabey monkey is cared for by his keeper on April 18, 2012, at the Jardin des Plantes's zoo in Paris.2012年4月18日,在法国巴黎的一家动物园(theJardindesPlantes),雄性白眉猴Loango正由饲养员照顾。

5.They considered themselves ambassadors but were displayed in a cage at the Jardin d'Accpmation in Paris.他们认为自己是大使,但却被装在笼子里于巴黎物种驯化园展出。

6.The Jardin des Cygnes and its private extension, the Trianon, offer depcious traditional cuisine inspired by Southern French flavors.JardindesCygnes餐馆和其私人的一部分,Trianon,提供法国南部美味传统的烹饪。

7.And no one can forget the Jardin des Plantes, famous for its botanical garden and the National Museum of Natural History.此外,谁也不会忘记要去以其植物园与国家自然历史博物馆闻名的「巴黎植物园」走走。

8.A promenade in the Jardin duLuxembourg, as opposed to a trip to Walmart for a flat-screen TV, won't helpthe European Union's GDP growth.在卢森堡公园散步不能像去沃尔玛购买一台纯屏电视一样带动欧盟GDP的增长。

9.Like most grandchildren, Jardin knew his grandfather as a nice man. Yet grandpa did monstrous things.和大多数孙辈一样,查顿知道自己的祖父是个好人,但却犯下了恶行。

10.Now we left the Jardin de Generapfe, and went to the city center of Granada.现在我们离开轩内洛尼菲庭园,前往格拉纳达市中心。