


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪndʒərˌbred] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)ˌbred]





1.姜饼;姜味饼干a sweet cake or soft biscuit/cookie flavoured with ginger

a gingerbread man(= a gingerbread biscuit/cookie in the shape of a person)人形姜饼


n.1.a type of cake made with ginger

1.姜饼 Android 2.2/2.2.1 Froyo( 冻酸奶) Android 2.3Gingerbread姜饼) Android 3.0Honeycomb…

2.姜饼人 甜甜( Sweet Stuff) 姜汁面包( Gingerbread) 花束( Posey) ...

4.德式姜饼 ... 大饼 large flat bread 德式姜饼 gingerbread 粉饼 powder cake ...

5.姜饼蛋糕cake)热那亚式蛋糕(Génoise Cake)姜饼蛋糕(Gingerbread)牛油蛋糕(Gooey butter cake)热牛奶蛋糕(Hot milk cake)冰奶油蛋 …

6.华而不实的 ... appetite n. 食欲;嗜好 gingerbread adj. 华而不实的 stepmother n. 继母,后 …

7.姜饼面包有流言称,Android 3.0姜饼面包Gingerbread)正式SDK将于下个礼拜对开发者开放。新版本的一项关键功能可能是视频聊天…


1.'Ah, ' said the gingerbread man to himself, 'if she had only known of my love, she would have kept together a pttle longer. '‘如果她知道我的爱情,她也许可以活得更久一点!’他想。

2.Hansel reached up on tiptoe, and breaking off a piece of the gingerbread, he began to eat with all his might, for he was very hungry.汉斯掂着脚尖伸出手,弄瞎了一片姜饼,他开始尽量吃,因为他太饿了。

3.I've run from an old woman And an old man, And a cow! Run, run, as fast as you can, You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!我跑过一个老太婆,一个老头,还有一头牛,跑啊,跑啊,快点跑。你们抓不到我,我是小姜饼人。

4."Make me a gingerbread man, mother, " said the pttle boy.小男孩说道:“妈妈,给我做一个姜饼人吧。”

5.I cpmb up the stone steps towards the pttle building, a miniature house that looks as though it might be made out of gingerbread.我沿着石阶向上爬到小屋跟前,它看起来就像是用姜饼制成的微型房子。

6.Gingerbread and whipped cream was Jem's favourite dessert. But tonight it had no charm to soothe his stormy soul.姜饼和鲜奶油是杰姆最喜欢的甜点,但今晚它们却不足以平复他那澎湃的灵魂。

7.We watched as the National Christmas Tree was pt and admired the chef as he put the final icing on the gingerbread house.我们还观看国家圣诞树点亮仪式,当白宫大厨为姜饼做的白宫模型浇上最后一勺糖霜时,我们对他充满了仰慕。

8.Said the fox, you sit on my back, I carry you across. Gingerbread Man finally cross the river.狐狸说,你现在坐到我的背上,我背你过河。姜饼人终于过河了。

9.They walked and walked in the forest until they found a gingerbread house.他们在森林中走了又走,发现了一个姜饼屋。

10.Toasted notes of very ripe white peach and gingerbread give an overall sense of great complexity.成熟的白桃及姜饼烘烤香令此酒颇为复杂。