





3.波娃(Sartre)也有同样的困境吧,不过他的红颜知己波娃(Beauvoir)倒很大方的帮他找了不少年轻女学生。坦白告诉你,看到年轻漂 …

4.博瓦尔篇小说的课,尽管从没读过什么伍尔芙(Woolf)、波芙娃(Beauvoir),开课前三天才准备,走上讲坛依然侃侃而谈,随口说出一 …

7.作家 Baudelaire - 作家 波伏瓦 Beauvoir - 作家 伯尔 Boll - 作家 勃朗特姊妹 ...


1.Death separated Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre instead of uniting them, and yet they were the couple of the century.虽然死亡将波伏娃和萨特永久地分离而不再相守,但他们仍旧是一个世纪的伴侣。

2.It reminded me of the scene at Max Beauvoir's in Haiti, except these people bepeved they had been moved by Jesus.这让我想起我在海地的马克斯。博瓦尔那里看到的情形,不同的是,这里的人相信是耶稣激起了他们的行为。

3.The epilogue summarizes and appraises Beauvoir's philosophy thoughts and consequently indicates the value of her novel.结语部分对波伏娃小说的哲学思想进一步做出归纳和评价,从而彰显其小说的独特价值。

4.One is not born a woman, one becomes one. - Simone de Beauvoir.一个人并非生来就是女人,而是逐渐变成女人的。

5.Beauvoir argues, "Man wants woman to be object; she makes herself object; "男人想争辩,波伏娃的女人应该对象;

6.So Beauvoir approaches 'the philosophical through the personal', to quote Cavell?许:所以,引述卡维尔的话,波伏娃的方法是“通过个人的达到哲学的”?

7.Beauvoir appeals women to seek their fortune in difficulties in "the second sex" .波伏娃在《第二性》中呼吁女性在困境中寻找出路。

8.Change you pfe today. Don't gamble on the future act now, without delay. ----Simone De Beauvoir.今天就改变你的生活,不要赌将来会更好,现在就行动,不要拖延。----西蒙。德。波伏娃。

9.For me, the whole of Beauvoir's pfe was fascinating.对我而言,波伏娃的整个生活都令人着迷。

10.It is not just her books but also her pfe that have made Beauvoir the most important female intellectual of modern times.除其作品之外,波伏娃的个人生活也使她成为近现代最重要的女性知识分子。