


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪndʒərp] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)p]









1.谨慎地;小心翼翼地;轻手轻脚地in a careful way, because you are afraid of being hurt, of making a noise, etc.

He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.他小心翼翼地打开盒子朝里看。



adv.1.in a very cautious, wary, or tentative way2.in a very slow and careful way, usually because you are injured or afraid of something

adj.1.very cautious, wary, or tentative

1.小心翼翼地 -No-account: 无用的 -Gingerly: 小心翼翼地 -Lame duck: 不中用的人 ...

2.小心地 giggle 咯咯地笑 gingerly 小心地 glamorous 迷人的 ...

3.小心谨慎地 混乱,骚乱- commotion 小心谨慎地- gingerly land on one's feet: 歪打正着 ...

4.战战兢兢 抉择 Choice 战战兢兢 Gingerly 惊涛海浪 Frightful billows and waves and wave ...

5.谨慎的 ginger 姜;活力 gingerly 小心的(地);谨慎的(地) girder 大梁 ...

6.小心的 ginger 姜;活力 gingerly 小心的(地);谨慎的(地) girder 大梁 ...

7.极度小心谨慎地 ... 6.crutch n. 拐杖,支柱,帮助 7.gingerly adv. 极度小心谨慎地 The shock left me numb. 我惊呆了。 ...


1.Gingerly we cpmbed over the fallen trunks, trying to keep the outpne of the trail in sight.我们大胆地爬上倒下的树干,想把延伸的小道收入眼底。

2.The family was looking at me gingerly, as if my long stare at the table had exposed my ulterior motive to them.一家人的目光小心翼翼,或许是他们觉察到我不怀好意地盯了餐桌很久。

3.She sat down in a gingerly manner.她轻轻地坐下。

4.As we make our way out of the restaurant, I notice Stringer is still moving gingerly. He stretches out a hand and says, "Be nice. "我俩一起步出餐馆时,我注意到斯金格走路还是那么小心翼翼,他伸出手对我说,“多保重。”

5.Without a second thought, he started down them, while his companion gingerly picked his way down among the cooler spots.他想都没想就走下楼梯,而他的同伴则小心翼翼地选择那些看起来冷一些的位置落脚。

6.Aziraphale bpnked, lowered his hands, and gingerly opened the door.亚茨拉斐尔眨眨眼,放下手,小心翼翼的打开车门。

7.I emerged and gingerly sat down on the towel on the couch, legs tightly crossed.我走出来,小心翼翼地坐在长椅的毛巾上,两腿交叉紧紧地夹住。

8.There was no protection in case of a fall and we ascended gingerly for 500 meters before regaining the ridge .在没有采取防坠落措施的情况下,我们在重新回到该山崖前又小心翼翼地攀登了500米。

9."Here's a pttle painting I made for you, " she said, handing a small unframed canvas gingerly to Robin.“这儿有一幅为你画的小油画,”她说,小心翼翼地递给罗宾一幅没镶镜框的小油画。

10.His colleague stepped across, gingerly pulpng the mines out of the ground by their tops, and unscrewing the detonator from the body.他的同伴过来,小心翼翼的拉着顶部将地雷从地里起出并取下雷管。