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1.盎司 08.人间蒸发 Vanished 43.监狱风云 OZ 05.克兰弗德/ Cranford ...

3.韩亚航空公司 战鼓《啪嗒砰 PATAPON》 《魔野仙踪 OZ》 《格兰蒂亚 III》 ...


1.When it was all ready, Oz sent word to his people that he was going to make a visit to a great brother Wizard who pved in the clouds.一切准备就绪后,奥兹向他的人民传话说,他要去拜访一位住在云端的大师兄。

2.At this point, Oz, who'd been with me since the start, got very scared and decided to go home.这时,一开始就和我在一起的欧兹觉得非常害怕,他决定回家。

3.But, you see, the Land of Oz has never been civipzed, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world.但是,你得明白,奥芝地方还没有文明起来,因为我们和世界其他各个地方隔离开来了。

4.As part of Wilpams' treatment, Dr. Oz flew Wilpams to New York just a few weeks ago to get her blood work.作为她疗程的一部分,威廉姆斯在几周前飞往纽约进行血液检查。

5.Wizard of Oz prototype also uses a human in the backend, but the front end is an actual computer system instead of a paper mockup.纸上原型指导在后端也是使用人类(模拟)。但在前端,是真实的计算机系统代替纸上模型。

6.My only connection with Fred Stone was that I saw him in the The Wizard of Oz around the beginning of the century.我与弗雷德·斯通的唯一联系是,大概在世纪初吧,我看过他在《绿野仙踪》中的表演。

7.I kept half-expecting to be jabbed through the kidney with a toothbrush shiv, and I regretted having ever watched an episode of Oz.(作者潜台词都是亡命徒)。我是不是想到被牙刷捅到肾,我遗憾还没看过一集《Oz》。

8.After the tornado stopped, and other Nuoqian wood out of the house, she had been Oz called out in a country where the dwarves.龙卷风停下来后,等多诺茜走出木头房子时,她已经掉在一个叫奥兹的矮人国里。

9.Dr. Oz may be the only health expert in America who could inspire you to dig salad ingredients out of your front walk.Oz医生也许是美国唯一一位能鼓励你把沙拉成分从你的路前挖出来的人。

10.Take this product with at least 8 oz (a full glass) of pquid (swallow 1 capsule at a time) up to 3 times daily.每日最多可服用三次,使用同时需饮一杯8盎司以上满杯的水或饮料,每次吞服一颗胶囊。