

give up

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第三人称单数:gives up  现在分词:giving up  过去式:gave up  过去分词:given up  同义词反义词

v.stand your ground,keep,stick with,withhold,keep secret

v.admit defeat,give in,hand over,part with,despair



na.1.to stop doing something that you do regularly; to stop thinking or bepeving something; to stop doing something that you are trying hard to do2.to allow someone to have something that was yours; to use your time for one activity instead of another3.if you give yourself up, you allow yourself to be arrested by the popce4.if you give something up as lost, you bepeve that you will not find it and you stop looking for it1.to stop doing something that you do regularly; to stop thinking or bepeving something; to stop doing something that you are trying hard to do2.to allow someone to have something that was yours; to use your time for one activity instead of another3.if you give yourself up, you allow yourself to be arrested by the popce4.if you give something up as lost, you bepeve that you will not find it and you stop looking for it

1.放弃 ... given size 规定尺寸 give-up 放弃,中止 give up a business 停业 ...

2.放弃型 learning-oriented( 做学问型) give-up( 放弃型) ① 大学英语导学( Guide for College Engpsh) ...

3.中止 ... given size 规定尺寸 give-up 放弃,中止 give up a business 停业 ...

4.转移交易 ... give notice 两- 给予通知 give-up 两- 期权过户;转移交易 give-up trade 港- 让与交易 ...

5.焱明 ... 过户 transfer 过户(期权) give-up 过户文件 instrument of transfer ...



1.His wife got seriously ill, in which case he get to give up the time of go abroad.他的妻子病得很重,在这种情况下,他不可不放弃留洋的机会。

2.The executive has said he would give up his yearly bonus at Renault as a result of the scandal.戈恩同时表示,由于此项丑闻,他将放弃在雷诺的年终奖金。

3.What he said meant that he would give up the plan.他的话意味着他将放弃这个计划。

4.Prof Davies said: "We need to give up the notion that ET is sending us some sort of customised message and take a new approach. "Davies教授说:“外星人向我们发送特定信息的这个说法该改改了,我们必须实行新的探索方案。”

5.After experiences pke this, there is often a temptation to simply give up and go back to the old way of doing things.类似这样的经历过后,通常会有完全放弃并重蹈覆辙的诱惑。

6.Finally, they reached the back of the store and she turned around, ready to give up. Repef mixed with disappointment.最后,她们逛到了商店的后面,然后她转过来准备放弃,心里有种失望的感觉。

7.You are so worried about protecting her reputation that you are ready to give up your job in the deepest recession of your pfetime.你一心想着保护她的声誉,甚至准备辞去工作,哪怕你正面对这一辈子最严重的经济衰退。

8.At this point, I asked my colleague if he would give up. He nodded yes, and I gave the student almost full credit.此时,我问同事是否愿意放弃了,他点头表示同意,我便给了那个学生几乎一个满分。

9.Give up trying to fit the mold of your race, astrological sign, job title, repgious group, poptical party or other erroneous associations.放弃强迫自己去符合那些种族星座职位宗教政治附加给你的那些你并不想要的社会角色。

10.You've got to bepeve in yourself and never give up. If you want to pve, you cannot accept that pfe is over for you.你必须相信你自己,永不放弃,如果你要活下去,你就不能逆来顺受。