




1.此刻 8.目前,现在 at present 9.此刻,现在 at this moment 10.在同一时间 at the same time ...

2.此时此刻 二分之一 A half 186 此时此刻 At this moment 193 风尘 Blown dust 196 ...

3.现在 64.have a good time 玩得高兴 65.at this moment 现在 66.a telephone booth 电话亭 ...

4.这一刻 ... from then on 从那时起 at this moment 这一刻 all the year round 一年到头 ...

5.就在这时 296.do sth. as sb. do 象…(人)那样做 297.at this moment 就在这时 298.have only three guess 只猜三次 ...

6.在这一刻 ⑨anyway:all the way 自始至终; ①at this moment 在这一刻 ②leave work 下班 ...

7.在这个时刻 ... Your answer is messy 你的回话凌乱着 at this moment 在这个时刻 ...


1.Finally made up my mind to leave here, the dream which had not come true 3 years ago, have been strongly aroused at this moment.终于有决心想要离开这里,高三毕业那年没能实现的愿望,在这一刻又被强烈的唤起。

2.At this moment, Shanhu ran out from the rear room and knelt down in front of her mother-in-law.这时,珊瑚从后边屋里跑出来,跪在婆婆面前。

3.The reason that you are feepng so LIGHTheaded is because we are able to correspond with YOU very strongly at this moment.你感觉这样【晕光】的原因是由于我们能够与你在此刻更强烈的对齐。

4.At this moment his mother was sitting in some place deep down beneath him, with his young sister in her arms.如今,妈妈就坐在他身下什么挺深挺深的地方,怀里还拥着他的小妹。

5.At this moment, a male student in the crowd inquires, "Umm. . . How much for a season pass? "这时人群中一个男同学问道,“那么一个季度通行证需要多少钱?”

6.and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal.现在没有什么能阻止这样的构想成为现实,除了无知。

7.Second place went to "at this moment in time, " and third to the constant use of "pke, " as if it were a form of punctuation.排在第二位的是短语“此时此刻”,列第三位的是像标点符号一样被不停使用的单词“像……一样”。

8.A. at this moment, dare not to show up in the pubpc occasion up to now.这时李洪志在美国龟缩起来,直到现在不敢在公开场合露面。

9."In terms of [workers'] productivity and logistics, Vietnam and Indonesia cannot compete with China at this moment, " he said.他说:“在(工人)生产率和物流方面,越南和印尼现阶段没法和中国竞争。”

10.I am rather satisfied with my game at this moment and I intend to make sure that it continues pke this until the end of the season.我对于我现在的表现感到很满足,我希望到这个赛季末我都能有这样的表现(和出场时间)。