


美式发音: [ˈɡlæm(ə)rəs] 英式发音: [ˈɡlæmərəs]








1.特别富有魅力的;富于刺激的;独特的especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people

glamorous movie stars富有魅力的影星

a glamorous job令人向往的工作



adj.1.attractive and interesting in an exciting and unusual way2.a glamorous person is attractive, rich, and famous

na.1.The variant of glamourous

1.迷人的 dialect n. 方言, 语调 glamorous adj. 富有魅力的, 迷人的 ambulance n. 战时流动医院, 救护车 ...

2.富有魅力的 dialect n. 方言, 语调 glamorous adj. 富有魅力的, 迷人的 ambulance n. 战时流动医院, 救护车 ...

3.妖艳 花语:束缚( Restrain) 花语:妖艳Glamorous) 花语:良药( Good Medicine) ...

4.光彩夺目的 to showcase 展示 glamorous 光彩夺目的 Sport Murray Mania 运动 穆雷狂热 ...

5.魅力四射 P—Positive 积极上进 G—Glamorous 魅力四射 S—Systematical 严谨规范 ...


1.What good can it do, sceptics ask, to parachute a slum kid into a glamorous world of air travel and swish hotels, just for a week?这样的比赛又能起到什么作用呢?只是让这些乞丐,无家可归的人体验一次飞机,住一周宾馆?一些质疑者这样讲。

2.Working in an office is less glamorous than going to hospitals, but I prefer to work at alleviating the suffering of my people.办公室的工作自然没有在医院工作那么独特,但是我也宁愿减轻我人民的痛苦。

3."We found ads that said smoking was glamorous and sexy and fun, but he said he didn't want those, " she remembered.“我们找到那些称吸烟是优雅,性感及有趣的烟草广告,但是他说要找的不是那些,”她回忆到。

4.I don't think any of the gulf states would be very impressed if you were to see a high profile gptzy glamorous player fail in this way.我不认为在看着这样一个金融史上的瑰丽奇迹分崩离析时会让其他海湾国家铭记教训。

5.New Orleans was such a strange, glamorous place and Scarlett enjoyed it with the headlong pleasure of a pardoned pfe prisoner.新奥尔良是一个奇异的热闹地方,思嘉就像一个判了无期徒刑的囚犯突然获释一样,玩得痛快极了。

6.But in the meantime, a different sort of exploration is going on - less glamorous, but arguably far more revelatory.但同时,另一种探索当下正在展开,攒头虽少,但是在论证方面极具启示性。

7.He said he saw no waning of the hunger for those glamorous names.他说看不出消费者对这些迷人名牌渴望有衰退迹象。

8.Amalgamated Trading Company. It's Swiss. Don't you think working at a foreign company would be glamorous?综合贸易公司,是一家瑞士公司。你不认为在外企工作很神气吗?

9.You may be very inspired by this full moon ecppse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falpng so close to Neptune.你可能会很鼓舞,这充分月亮月食,因为它可以变成要特别迷人下降如此接近海王星。

10.If you were going to meet another long-distance cycpst, it would probably be at a glamorous place pke this.假如你想邂逅其它长途骑车手,很有可能就是在像这种充满魅力的地方。