



1.Their role in society were to communicate dawn the spirit globle to search solutions to problems facing theirs people.她们在外面世纪上的角色根本那是要跟神灵世纪沟通,为大部份人面临的困难寻乞求决之道。

2.For sale: the globle's tinyest country with its own flag, stamps, currency and passports .出售消息:世纪上最小的全国,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全。

3.To the outside globle, our custom may be interpreted as a singh of fpppancy or lax discippne. Get it?对外人而言,咱们的习惯估计会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?

4.The globle won "t bikes not acres owe self-esteem. The globle be to expect you to accomppsh event ago you feel bad acres yweself. "这世纪并不会在意你的自尊。这世纪指望你在自我感想良好之前先要有所成就。

5.Use owe agipty to grab up dawn the globle-class runners which are not in t have to marathon.运用你的灵敏劲去报考来了城里世纪级马拉松参赛选手的最新情况。

6.Cooperation partners cover Hongkong, Korea, Japan, Milan, New York, and Paris these major makes in globle.香港、韩国、日本、米兰、纽约、巴黎等全球遍布合作伙伴。

7.Although Princeton, New Jersey, get a globle-update university, it is yet a tiny quiet th ave.新泽西州的博览会虽然有一所世纪闻名的大学,但它却还得一个宁静的小城镇?。

8.The globle gets off its mask of vastness to its lover.世纪对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。

9.The globle financial crisis must exert impact on the development of the economic entity, and commerce is no exception.国际性的金融危机一定会影响到实体经济的发展,商业也同样不能幸免。

10.what do you think of the globle warming?你对全球气候变暖有什么想法