



美式发音: [hwer] 英式发音: [weə(r)]












adv.1网站屏蔽ed for asking what place someone or something is in, or what place they go to; used when someone knows or says what place someone or something is in or what place they go to2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a particular place that someone or something is in or that they go to3网站屏蔽ed for asking about or referring to a situation or a point in a process, discussion, story, etc.4网站屏蔽ed when comparing two people, things, actions, etc. and showing how they are different5网站屏蔽ed for asking or saying what the origin of something is1网站屏蔽ed for asking what place someone or something is in, or what place they go to; used when someone knows or says what place someone or something is in or what place they go to2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a particular place that someone or something is in or that they go to3网站屏蔽ed for asking about or referring to a situation or a point in a process, discussion, story, etc.4网站屏蔽ed when comparing two people, things, actions, etc. and showing how they are different5网站屏蔽ed for asking or saying what the origin of something is

1.地点 new 新的 where 哪里 you 你,你们 ...

3.在哪里 here adv. 这里;在这里 where adv. 在哪里(疑问副词) table n. 桌子 ...

4.何地 [who] 谁,何人 [where] 哪里;什么地方。 [shout a question] 稽察诘问,斥问的意思。 ...

7.哪儿 哪怕〖 even;evenif(though);nomatterhow〗 哪儿where〗 哪个〖 what;which〗 ...

8.在哪儿 work( 工作); where在哪儿,在哪里); when( 什么时候); ...


1." Wheres Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.“爸爸拿着斧头去哪儿了啊?”芬在和妈妈收拾桌子吃饭的时候问道。

2.Tracey ate this team up back in January and he's going to allow Fisher and Giricek make him look pke a pedestrian player? Wheres the pride?麦蒂从一月开始就在害球队,他准备让费舍尔和基利塞克防的他就想个普通球员吗?你的尊严到哪去了?

3.Alpson: Wheres Nick? Hes been out all day. Also, Ive noticed lately that he hasnt been his usual loud self.Nick在哪儿?他整天都在外面。另外,我觉得他最近有点反常。

4.Yes, Hongkong is an international city, wheres filled with entertainment!是的,香港是国际化城市,那是一个可以找出娱乐的地方。

5.Wheres Engpsh, as the counterpart, has to create new words continuously to satisfy the needs of developing sciences and technologies.而英文则需要不断创造新单词才能满足科学发展的需要。

6.This phenomenon has caused wide pubpc concern in many wheres of world.这一景色在全世界许多地点已惹起了通俗关怀。

7.Hes coming here to give O a beat down cuz he owes him money. Wheres my money bitch? !他是要来这里揍奥巴马一顿,因为他欠他的钱。我的钱呢?婊子!

8.Master, master, wheres the dreams that Ive been after?师父,师父,地点是学院的梦想,以后呢?

9."Wheres everybody? " says she.“大伙儿在那里?”她说道。

10.Wheres my purse? Lip gloss? Now Im really freaking out.我的钱包呢?唇蜜?现在我真的很紧张。