


美式发音: [ˈɡlɔriəs] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɔːriəs]




Adj.+n.glorious tradition,glorious victory,glorious history,glorious triumph





1.值得称道的;光荣的;荣耀的deserving or bringing great fame and success

a glorious victory辉煌的胜利

a glorious chapter in our country's history我国历史上光辉的一页

2.壮丽的;辉煌的;光辉灿烂的very beautiful and impressive

a glorious sunset瑰丽的晚霞

3.极其令人愉快的;极为宜人的extremely enjoyable

a glorious trip to Rome极为享受的罗马之行

4.热的;阳光灿烂的;晴朗的hot, with the sun shining

They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.他们度过了三周阳光灿烂的日子。


adj.1.very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy2.glorious weather is sunny and warm3.extremely successful and pkely to be remembered for a long time4.very enjoyable1.very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy2.glorious weather is sunny and warm3.extremely successful and pkely to be remembered for a long time4.very enjoyable

1.光荣的 小的 Small 光荣的 Glorious 凉的 Cold ...

2.辉煌的 26 Lionized 流芳千古的 27 Glorious 辉煌的 28 Legendary 传奇 ...

3.壮丽的 gigantic 巨大的, 庞大的 glorious 辉煌的, 壮丽的 golden 极好的, 非常有利的 ...

4.极好的 glory n. 光荣,荣誉 glorious n. 光荣的,极好的 golf n. 高尔夫球运动 ...

5.光辉灿烂的 precarious 不稳定的 glorious 光辉灿烂的 industrious 勤劳的 ...

6.壮丽的,辉煌的 glorify v. 赞美,颂扬 glorious a. 壮丽的,辉煌的;光荣的 glory n. 光荣,荣誉 ...


1.in its long glorious history , a brilpant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties.千多年来,悠久而灿烂的历史进程,给后世留下了精湛绝伦的技艺,也造就了历代数不清的艺术匠师。

2.What a glorious, all-satisfying country this Nevada desert would be, if one were only all eyes, and had no need of food, drink, and shelter!如果这儿的人只用眼睛看而不需要吃喝和住宿,那内华达将会是个多么完美的地方啊。

3.Juventus are ready to return to their glorious times of the past, having booked their place in next season's Champions League.获得了下赛季欧冠的参赛资格后,尤文图斯已经准备好重现过去的辉煌了。

4.Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy.眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。

5.Hal's green is, no doubt, the church reykjavik's most famous landmarks, was named the world one of the most glorious ten cathedral.哈尔格林姆教堂毫无疑问是雷克雅未克最著名的地标建筑,被评为全世界最壮美的十座大教堂之一。

6.Beautiful Mother River ah, here, you can see how much you have nurtured a glorious nation!美丽的母亲河啊,在此,你们可以看看,你们哺育了多么辉煌的民族!

7.I could see myself sticking the flag in a pole, you know -- ah, glorious moment -- the music kind of reaching a crescendo.我甚至能看见自己亲自把国旗插在北极上,你知道,那是一个光荣的时刻,伴随着背景乐也即将达到高潮。

8.And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.我必将他安稳,像钉子钉在坚固处。他必作为他父家荣耀的宝座。

9.The guang-an-men sincerely invites you to visit instructs, hand in hand altogether will create the glorious future with you.光安人诚挚地邀请您来参观指导,与您携手共创美好未来。

10.The king's daughter within [the palace] is all glorious: Her clothing is in wrought with gold.王女在宫里极其荣华;他的衣服是用金线绣的。