




1.形单影只》(A Heart Full of Love)、《形单影只》(On My Own)。

2.独自一人 30 Memory 回忆 31 On My Own 独自一人 32 I Dreamed a Dream 眷梦无痕一 ...

3.属于我 05、天堂中的另一天 Another Day in Paradise 07、属于我 On My Own 08、卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca ...

4.我独自一人那个暗恋马吕斯、最终为他牺牲的女孩儿爱波宁的那首"我独自一人"(On My Own)与芳婷的第三个主题相同. 这首歌是当她独 …

5.靠我自己 ... 24. do one’s homework 做家庭作业 25. on my own 靠我自己 26. help mum and dad 帮爸爸妈 …

6.属於我 ... 等你说爱我 Say You Love Me 属於我 On My Own 他们都是我们的孩子(陶吉吉合唱) Aren't They All Our Childr…

7.靠自己 on his own 独立地;单刀 on my own 靠自己;独自一人;一己之力 of one's own 属于某人自己的 ...


1.As if. I escaped on my own.你误会了。我是自己逃出来的。

2.Mr. Matsubara said he visited the shrine as a private citizen. "I acted based on my own principles as a Japanese national, " he said.松原仁称,自己是以个人身份进行参拜的。他说,“作为日本国民,我只是按照自己的原则行事。”

3.It felt scary at first, but knowing that I was on my own and in charge of what I did and when I did it, was an exciting concept.最初感到有些恐怖,可知道我独立了,自己可以决定做什么和什么时候做,想想这,也挺激动的。

4.It was a great stay and a nice location. I would probably book the hotel on my own if the deal was right.住宿很棒,位置不错。如果管理得更好一些的话我可能会考虑自己预订这家酒店。

5.I thought they were going to leave me here on my own.我还以为他们把我一个人留在这儿了。

6.God gets me into a relationship with Himself whereby I understand His call, then I do things out of sheer love for Him on my own account.上帝把我带进和祂自己的关系之中,从而我能明白祂的呼召,然后,出于对祂绝对的爱,我自己开始服事。

7.They immediately offered their cars to me for a photo shoot and even tossed me their keys to drive them out on my own for the shoot.他们立即提出他们的汽车要我摄影秀,甚至把钥匙扔我把他们赶出去为自己投篮。

8."The thing is" , she lowers her voice for discretion, "what I'd really pke is to go away for the weekend. On my own. "“问题是,”她降低声音以示慎重,“我真正想做的是,在周末出去。我自己去。”

9.We need every player fit, including Wes and Rafael but obviously I've got to concentrate on my own fitness and get myself ready.我们需要每个球员,包括维斯和拉斐尔。但显然我要集中于自己的状况,让自己做好准备。

10.No, it's too expensive for me. I've decided to try working out on my own.不了,太贵了。我决定自己做运动。