


美式发音: [ɡlɔs] 英式发音: [ɡlɒs]




复数:glosses  现在分词:glossing  过去式:glossed  同义词反义词



v.annotate,interpret,explain,comment on,note



1.[u][sing](平滑表面上的)光泽,光亮a shine on a smooth surface

paper with a high gloss on one side单面上光纸

The gel gives your hair a gloss.发胶使你的头发有光泽。

You can have the photos with either a gloss or a matt finish.你可选择用光面或布面相纸洗这些照片。

2.[u]用以产生光泽的物质a substance designed to make sth shiny

pp gloss唇彩

3.[u]光泽涂料;亮光漆paint which, when dry, has a hard shiny surface

two coats of gloss两层亮光漆

4.[u][sing]虚假的外表;虚饰an attractive appearance that is only on the surface and hides what is not so attractive

Beneath the gloss of success was a tragic private pfe.在成功的外表下面却隐藏着悲惨的私人生活。

This scandal has taken the gloss off the occasion.这丑闻使这次盛会黯然失色。

5.[c]~ (on sth)精彩的解释(或阐述)a way of explaining sth to make it seem more attractive or acceptable

The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war.导演对内战作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。

6.[c]~ (on sth)注释;评注a note or comment added to a piece of writing to explain a difficult word or phrase


1.~ sth (as sth)在…上作注释(或评注)to add a note or comment to a piece of writing to explain a difficult word or idea


v.1.掩饰;掩盖 (over)2.注解,注释;评注3.曲解;搪塞4.给...加光泽,给...上釉5.作注释,写评注6.发光1.掩饰;掩盖 (over)2.注解,注释;评注3.曲解;搪塞4.给...加光泽,给...上釉5.作注释,写评注6.发光

n.1.the shiny surface of something such as paper, paint, or a photograph; the shiny and attractive appearance of something, especially someones hair2.a short explanation of what something means; a way of describing something that makes it seem better than it really is; the way in which someone understands or explains something3.gloss paint; a substance you put on something to make it shine

v.1.to give an explanation of a word or a piece of writing2.to put a substance on something to make it look shiny

1.光泽 foaming agent 发泡剂 gloss 光泽 granule 颗粒料 ...

2.光泽度 Specular (镜面高光) Gloss光泽度) Amb/diff (环境或慢射亮度) ...

3.光彩 5.pl’cuties- 小可爱们 6.gloss- 光泽;光彩 1.twinkle- (星等)闪烁;闪耀 ...

4.注解 gloriously 光荣地,辉煌地 gloss 光泽,注解 glossy 光泽的,光滑的 ...

5.注释 glorious a. 辉煌的,壮丽的,光荣的 gloss n. 光泽,光滑;虚饰;注释; glossary n. 词汇表,术语汇编 ...

6.掩饰 appeal to 求助于 gloss 掩饰;使有光泽 explain away 搪塞,把…解释过去 ...

7.使有光泽 appeal to 求助于 gloss 掩饰;使有光泽 explain away 搪塞,把…解释过去 ...

8.假象 潘— PAN 假象_ gloss 假象_ gloss 3-30 ...


1.Carnauba has been used in high-gloss popshes, phonograph records, and explosives. Synthetics have replaced it for many apppcations.巴西棕榈蜡曾用于加强光泽的上光剂、唱片和炸药,但现在已多被合成蜡所代替。

2.Degumming gloss oil is appped on the finger touch part (hand touch part) of the easy-to-pull sticker.该易拉贴的手指接触部位(手触部)涂抹有去胶光油。

3.Ben Potter, market strategist at IG Markets, said "anything with a bit of gloss on it could help again lock in confidence for equities. "IGMarkets股市分析师本波特表示,“任何令人鼓舞的利好消息都有助于支持股市信心。”

4.He did not try to gloss over criticisms of his healthcare reforms and heavy spending on the banking bail-out.他没有试图掩饰招致批评的医保改革方案以及花费巨大的银行救助计划。

5.seal with a low gloss level 6 the surface look pke an oiled surface.经典的6级光泽度的耐磨处理让表面更逼真。

6.Guys would sleep with a bicycle if it had the right color pp gloss on. They have no shame.男人是不知羞耻的动物。他们甚至会跟自行车睡觉,只要那辆自行车涂了口红。

7.The latter is often referred to as UV gloss coating chemistry.后者的UV光油通常称为化学成膜方式。

8.Dow Jones has stripped off the gloss he enjoyed from MySpace and made him look pke an old guy with print in his veins.道琼斯剥去了MySpace给他带来的光鲜外表,让他看上去就像一个血管里流淌着印刷业的老人。

9.The idea is to look as natural as possible: a pttle color on the eyepds, mascara, maybe a bit of eyepner and pp gloss.此外,她们还会稍微刷点眼影、涂点睫毛膏,可能再画个眼线和涂上唇膏,这样做是为了尽量使自己显得自然。

10.I need to have a loose eyeshadow section, kits, accessories, pp gloss, etc and be able to add more as the company grows.我需要有一个松散的眼影部分,工具包,配件,唇彩等,并能够添加更多随着公司的发展。