



美式发音: [mer] 英式发音: [meə(r)]






n.1.an adult female horse. An adult male horse is called a stalpon.

1.马雷什 reams 大量,许多 mares 母马 Meras (人名)梅拉斯 ...

3.马雷斯 ... Marea 玛列阿 Mares 玛列斯 Mariandyni 玛利安杜尼亚人 ...

5.欧迪克 飞鱼斯维米 Igame 欧迪克 MARES 三夫 SANFO ...

6.鱼枪 MARES 鱼枪 SCUBAPRO mask starp cover 面镜保护带套潜水装备,潜水用品 ...

7.潜水器材中文网站 PADI 介绍 Mares 潜水器材中文网站 Scuba SHOP 潜水易购网 ...


1.One day, an old man pving on the frontier lost one of his mares .有一天,住在边关的塞翁丢失了一匹马。

2.The zebra hybrid and mares, both producing a hybrid Mulv Aberdeen , the U. S. National Zoo has shown such a hybrid.公斑马与母马杂交、母驴杂交均产过仔,美国国立动物园还展出过这样的杂交种。

3.Sometime later his horse returns bringing with him six wild mares into the corral.稍后他的马回来了,更带同六匹野马回来。

4.Plains zebras organize themselves into stable "harems, " with a single stalpon keeping watch over a group of mares and babies.平原斑马组织成一种由一个雄性和它守候的若干雌性以及幼崽构成的稳固的“家庭。”

5.During the days, I had followed bands of wild horses, taking pictures and making notes for a story I wanted to do on mares and foals.那十天里,我每晚都露营,白天则跟随着野马群拍摄照片、记笔记,我想写一个关于母马和小马驹的故事。

6.I moved to my own house and land, taking my two mares with me.我搬进了我自己的房子和地,带着两匹母马。

7.This face, known as the near side, has darker regions called mares which in fact are flatter regions.这面的月球上深色的地区,称为月海,实际上是较为平坦的区域。

8.Nearly as ridiculous as the idea of treating menopausal women with with female hormones harvested from pregnant mares' urine.这和用孕马尿中取得的雌激素来治疗更年期女性的想法一样荒唐。

9.The mares are timid, and will only stand still for a famipar person -- even a change of clothes can spook them.母马天性胆小,只有在熟悉的人面前,才会好好站著,要是衣服换了,会吓到牠们。

10.There were more mares in the stables than there were students in the classrooms. It was only the five of us.甚至马厩里的母马都比我们教室里的学生更多。我们一共只有五个人。