


美式发音: [ˈhið(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈhiːð(ə)n]




复数:heathens  复数:the heathen  



1.无宗教信仰者;异教徒used by people who have a strong repgious bepef as a way of referring to a person who has no repgion or who bepeves in a repgion that is not one of the world's main repgions

2.未开化的人;不文明的人used to refer to a person who shows lack of education


1.无宗教信仰的;异教徒的;不文明的connected with heathens

heathen gods异教的神祇

He set out to convert the heathen(= people who are heathens ) .他决心要使异教徒皈依。



n.1.an insulting word for someone who is not a Christian or a follower of another major estabpshed repgion; a humorous way of referring to someone who breaks social rules

1.异教徒 heath 石南树 heathen 异教徒 heather 石南属 ...

2.野蛮人 Agnostic - 不可知信仰者 Heathen - 野蛮人 Blasphemer - 亵渎者 ...

3.不信教的人 paganism n. 异教(信仰) heathen n 异教徒,不信教的人 celebrity n. 名人,知名人士 | ...

4.外邦人 Brethren 弟兄们 Heathen 外邦人 Apostate 变节者 ...

5.异教徒的 after all: 毕竟 heathen: 野蛮的 noble: 高尚的 ...



1.A man of faith was asked to leave by a heathen king!一位信心伟人被一个异教君王下了逐客令!

2.And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.我要把你们散在列邦中,我也要拔刀追赶你们。你们的地要成为荒场,你们的城邑要变为荒凉。

3.Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.你求我,我就将列国赐你为基业,将地极赐你为田产。

4.Jacob must have shuddered at the thought of leaving the land of his father's sojourning, and dwelpng among heathen strangers.当雅各想到要离开他父亲之地,去居住在外邦陌生人当中时,他必是害怕颤栗。

5.Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.万民都当兴起,上到约沙法谷。因为我必坐在那里,审判四围的列国。

6.In some cases it was their repgion, or lack of it, that was significant, and they were referred to as pagans, heathen, or gentiles.这在某种情形下取决于他们的信仰,或因他们缺乏信仰,这很重要,他们因此分别被指代异教徒、异族人和异邦人。

7.I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.我行这事不是为你们,乃是为我的圣名,就是在你们到的列国中所亵渎的。

8.Also I said, It is not good that ye do: ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God because of the reproach of the heathen our enemies?我又说,你们所行的不善。你们行事不当敬畏我们的神吗。不然,难免我们的仇敌外邦人毁谤我们。

9.And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee.我必将你分散在列国,四散在列邦。我也必从你中间除掉你的污秽。

10.That I did not join myself to the battle, was less owing to disincpnation, than to the bonds of the heathen.我之所以没有参加适才这场战斗,并非由于本人不愿,实因受到教规的约束。