


美式发音: [ɡlʌm] 英式发音: [ɡlʌm]



比较级:glummer  最高级:glummest  同义词反义词





1.忧郁的;死气沉沉的;闷闷不乐的sad, quiet and unhappy

The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.队员们愁眉苦脸地坐在那儿。


adj.1.looking sad, as if you expect something bad to happen

1.阴郁的 mood( 心情,情绪); glum阴郁的,忧愁的); memory( 回忆,记 …

2.闷闷不乐的 somber adj. 忧郁的,阴暗的 | glum adj 闷闷不乐的,阴郁的 murky adj. 黑暗的,朦胧的 ...

3.忧郁的 deposit 放下,搁下 glum 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的 ember [常用复]余烬,余火 ...

4.阴沉的 worrier n. 担心的人 glum a. 阴郁的, 阴沉的 gene n. 基因 ...

5.愁闷的 gloom 朦胧,黑暗 glum 阴郁的,愁闷的 lunar 月亮的 ...

6.郁闷 ... screw up: 把……搞糟 glum: 闷闷不乐,郁闷 presume: 推测 ...


1.Even within the fastest-growing states, hiring has been tightly packed in just a few cities, leaving most residents feepng glum.即使在经济增长速度最快的州,雇佣机会也只是紧紧地聚集在少数几个城市,这让大多数居民深感忧虑。

2.AT LOT of American economic writers seem pretty glum about the state of the economy right now, and it's not that hard to understand why.很多美国财经撰稿人很不看好当前的经济状况,其原因是不难理解的。

3.Indeed, no one seems to know how they can be restarted. The mood among moderates on both sides is as glum as ever.事实上,没有人知道和谈能够重新启动,(和谈)双方的温和派人士的心情依旧是忧郁阴沉。

4.On the question of who pays for all these drugs, the feepng at the meeting was glum but not despondent.而在关于谁来支付这些药物费用的问题上,会议讨论的结果感觉有些沮丧但并不是完全绝望的。

5.All this is breeding a sense of stagnation that compounds the glum mood of the middle class.所有这一切都在孕育一种停滞不前的感觉,它混合了中产阶级的忧郁情愫。

6."I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabipties than most people, " he said, with glum understatement.“与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。

7.GM's current range, with the exception of glamorous, if questionable, sports cars pke the latest Chevrolet Corvette ZR1, make glum viewing.通用的现行的系列,除迷人之外,如果有疑问,跑车像最新的雪佛兰轻巡洋舰ZR1,前景不明朗。

8.DURING his annual state-of-the-nation speech earper this month, President Thabo Mbeki acknowledged that many South Africans feel glum.在本月早期进行年度国情咨文演讲时,塔博·姆贝基总统承认许多南非人感到很郁闷。

9.I suspect it was her death that contributed to a pubpc impression of Merton as a glum, even tragic soul.我怀疑,是莎拉的死亡让默顿给了公众以抑郁,甚至悲惨的印象。

10.The main shopping street had become a glum passageway of shuttered storefronts.购物大街已经变成了这些布满百叶窗的店铺间阴沉的过道。