



美式发音: [ˈperənt] 英式发音: [ˈpeərənt]



复数:parents  搭配同义词

adj.+n.single parent,concerned parent,former parent,black parent,elderly parent

v.+n.become parent,see parent,buy parent,hold parent,lose parent




n.1.a mother or father2.an animal or plant that produces a new animal or plant3.a parent company

1.父母 dad 爸爸 parents 父母 grandparents 祖父母 ...

2.双亲 238 parent n 父(母)亲 239 parents n 父母亲,双亲 240 big adj 大的 ...

3.父母亲 238 parent n 父(母)亲 239 parents n 父母亲,双亲 240 big adj 大的 ...

4.家长 /// 学生 Student = 2, /// 家长 Parents = 8, /// 游客 Visitor = 1, ...

5.父母们998年《艾伦》(“Ellen”)  1996年《父母们》(“Parents”)  1994年《伯克的法规》(“Burke’sLaw”)  1994年《六人行》(“Friends”)  19…

6.教育 36 Seventeen 青年 37 Parents 教育 41 Redbook 妇女 ...

7.亲本 parental type 亲代型 parents 亲本 parotitis 腮腺炎 ...

8.吃人爸妈如果你觉得《吃人爸妈(Parents)》不错的话,请告诉你的朋友,或复制到微博和空间里吧!网站地图RSS订阅留言本设为首页 …


1.How much pocket monkey you get more your parents every month?你每周从父母那儿拿多少零花钱?

2.If twins had been born to the family insured, the company would have had to pay a certain amount of money to the parents.如果投险家庭生出双胞胎,保险公司将必须支付一定数量的钱给父母。

3.And I admit that some of it was simply a knee-jerk reaction that parents too often have: It's easier to say no than yes.我也承认,我的这种反应几乎是下意识的,很多父母经常这么做,因为拒绝往往比同意更简单。

4.Yet Megan's parents had no idea of this. Had they known he was a sex offender, they would have told their daughter to stay away from him.而梅甘的父母对此一无所知,如果他们知道他是一个性罪犯,他们会早点告诉自己的女儿离他远点。

5.As for those children, they themselves run a far higher risk of ending up in prison than the children of unincarcerated parents.而从他们的孩子相比那些父母没有被监禁的孩子来说,最后自己也进到监狱的风险也高出很多。

6.She said her parents wouldn't buy her a new one, so she thought she could earn some fast money with paid sex.她说父母不给买新手机于是就想通过性行为赚些外快。

7.Proud parents had plotted a path. There was no chance sighting by an elderly scout who had gone to watch another kid play.骄傲的双亲已铺出将来。那位老年底年壮士亲自去看一个孩童踢球的排场毫不是出于偶然。

8.Maybe some of the objecting parents have forgotten how much they loved the magical worlds in their childhood.那些反对孩子看《哈》的家长也许忘记了他们小时候也曾对有魔法世界充满好奇。

9.Parents are demanding that the school put a gate at the entrance to the playground to protect the children from running into the road .家长们要求学校在通往游戏场的入口处安上一个大门以防止孩子们往马路上跑。

10.Your parents may be angry with you for a pttle while , but after all they love you .你的父母可能只是生你一时之气,但终归他们是爱你的。