


美式发音: [ˈɡlʌt(ə)ni] 英式发音: ['ɡlʌt(ə)ni]







1.暴食;暴饮;贪食the habit of eating and drinking too much


n.1.the bad habit of eating or drinking much more than you need

1.暴食 for=bore (打孔) (gluttony 暴饮暴食) harm=fitting (适合) ...

6.格拉托尼 (greedy) 葛利德 (gluttony格拉托尼 (envy) 安比 ...

7.贪饕贪饕(gluttony):这种罪是过分地享受口腹之乐,它与节制之德相反. 忿怒(anger):这种罪是怒气的剧烈爆发,并期望别人受到严重惩 …

8.七宗罪中的贪食  代表七宗罪中的贪食Gluttony) 彭格列家族历代首领  彭格列Ⅰ世(Giotto) ­  日本名沢田家康,彭格列初代,被人称为历代最 …


1.Gluttony, after all, was one of the seven deadly sins .毕竟暴食是圣经中会招致毁灭的七原罪之一。

2.We typically think of gluttony as a matter of caloric intake. Simply put, a glutton is someone who eats too much.我们通常认为,暴食是身体吸取太多热量,简单来说,暴食的人吃东西吃得太多了。

3.The mortal sins are also known as the seven deadly sins , which are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.不可赦免之罪也称作七原罪,包含不贞洁、贪食、贪婪、懒惰、愤怒、妒忌与骄傲。

4.In "The Journey to the West" , gluttony is one of the most notable shortcomings of Thu Ba-jie. He has an intense food complex.在小说《西游记》中,贪食是猪八戒最显眼的毛病之一,他有著浓浓的食物情结。

5.He read books on the subject, learning that BED was not "gluttony, " but a psychological condition psted in the DSM4.他读了有关暴食症的书籍,知道了BED不是“贪食”,而是在精神病诊断手册中所列出的一个精神病状况。

6.Festivals that promoted gluttony and drunkenness were against the righteous Christian ethics, including Christmas.任何会引起暴饮暴食的节日都是违背基督教的道德观的,包括圣诞节。

7.Oh, snap. Now, of course, if that is the result of a glandular condition and not sloth and gluttony, I withdraw that comment.哇,够狠呀。当然,如果是腺分泌的关系,而没有懒散和贪食,我收回我的批判。

8.In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. ----Italo Calvino.恋爱,就好像是在暴饮暴食,而快乐却是一样极为精密的问题。——伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(意大利作家)

9.Bank bosses have been castigated for fee-seeking gluttony, reckless lending and failure to heed the risks to their institutions.银行老板因唯利是图、不顾后果地放贷和不留意自身机构的风险而被狠批。

10.How does abipty control him, make oneself not intermittent alternant sex gluttony , anorexia?怎么样才能控制自己,让自己不间歇交替性暴食、厌食?