


美式发音: [dʒæɡ] 英式发音: [dʒæɡ]

v.在…上刻 V 形凹口;把…切得参差不齐


网络释义:执法悍将(Judge Advocate General);Justice Assistance Grant;军法署

复数:jags  过去式:jagged  同义词




1.(难以控制的)一阵a short period of doing sth or of behaving in a particular way, especially in a way that you cannot control

a crying jag一阵哭泣


v.1.在...上刻 V 形凹口2.把...撕成锯齿状,把...切得参差不齐3.在(衣服)上开叉[穿饰孔]4.刺,戳5.颠簸地移动1.在...上刻 V 形凹口2.把...撕成锯齿状,把...切得参差不齐3.在(衣服)上开叉[穿饰孔]4.刺,戳5.颠簸地移动

n.1.a short period when you behave in an uncontrolled way

1.执法悍将(Judge Advocate General)t: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Frequently Asked Questions Table of Contents Page Ref…

3.军法署 nightnighty n. 睡衣 jag n. 尖齿, 一部分, 狂欢 baked v. 烘焙, 烤, 烧硬 ...

5.美国海军军法署 ITU |国际电信联盟 JAG |美国海军军法署 JAGUAR |捷豹汽车公司 ...

6.军法长军法长(JAG)领导军法兵, 是军事司法系统人员:法官,控诉律师(检察官),辩护律师,等。美国除了武装部队上诉法院外,没有 …


1.I wasn't in the mood to go on a real crying jag. I would save that for bedtime, when I would have to think about the coming morning.现在我没有痛痛快快大哭一场的心绪,我会把它留到睡觉的时候,因为那时,我将不得不想一想明天早晨。

2.You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag.你知道吗?斯佳丽,我看你是到了该大哭一场的边缘了。

3.This " JAG " number would appear within the patch text of any patch addressing this issue.这个“JAG”数字将显示在解决此问题的任何补丁程序的补丁程序文本中。

4.This guide is intended to be the primary reference document that will focus on the manufacturing sector of JAG's supply chain.本指南确定为主要的参考文献,将重点放在JAG供给链中的制造部门上。

5.He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.他猛地踩刹车,把“美洲豹”倒回到砖头扔到的位置。

6.Needless to say, the man became so depressed that he went on an eating jag.不用说,这个人变得非常沮丧,索性乱吃一通了

7.Lespe: If I lose, you get my car. It's a brand new Jag. This way, whatever happens you've got your ass covered from here to Houston.要是我输了,你拿走我的车。全新的捷豹。这样无论最后什么结果,你都能全身而退,从这儿一路跑休斯顿去。

8.Unpke some in this price class, the controls of the Jag are straightforward and the car can be driven with effortless ease.和这个价位上的某些车型不同的是,这款敞篷车的操控非常简洁,驾驶起来毫不费力。

9.However, whenever possible, JAG will support the factory's timely remediation efforts before resorting to possible termination.然而,只要可能,在采取可能的中止行动之前,JAG将支持工厂及时地采取纠正违章行为的努力。

10.As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Jag 's side door.就在他的车经过一群小朋友的时候一个小朋友丢了一块砖头打到了他的车门。