


网络释义:用于字符终端;加密;隐私卫士(GNU Privacy Guard)


1.用于字符终端 ... FTN mailer( 邮寄者) GnuPG用于字符终端) Sound tracker( 声音追踪者…

2.加密 PF 指令的用法 GnuPG 加密 sudo 的使用 ...

3.隐私卫士(GNU Privacy Guard)ng a new GPG key [3] Gnu 隐私卫士 (GnuPG) 袖珍 HOWTO (中文版) [4] [...]

4.公钥证书如果您要发送比较重要的文件给我,请用下面这个公钥证书(GnuPG)加密后发给我,邮箱在导入公钥后就可看到。GnuPG certifi…


1.Please ensure to take enough fingerprints of your GnuPG key with you so others can sign it.请务必携带足够多的GPG密钥指纹,那么你可以和其他人签署。

2.Using GnuPG (see Resources) and the ASCII armor file (pluto-current. zip. asc), you can verify the authenticity of this download.使用GnuPG(参见参考资料)和ASCIIarmor文件(pluto-current.zip.asc),可以验证此下载文件的真实性。

3.If desired, consider replacing the external program calls and settings with other options enabled by the use of GnuPG: : Encrypt.如果愿意,可以考虑用GnuPG::Encrypt提供的其他选项替换外部程序调用和设置。

4.GnuPG will be used to handle all of the encryption functions for this extension.GnuPG将用于处理这个扩展的所有加密函数。

5.Make sure your system supports Perl, GnuPG, and Firefox before beginning development.着手开发之前,确保您的系统支持Perl、GnuPG和Firefox。

6.GnuPG supports OpenPGP card in a direct fashion.GnuPG直接支持OpenPGP卡。

7.GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage.GnuPG是GNU用于确保安全通信和数据存储的工具。

8.Before continuing with the code presented in this article, make sure you have a functional Firefox GnuPG and gpg-agent set up.在继续使用本文提供的代码之前,确保您设置了函数性FirefoxGnuPG和gpg-agent。

9.GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archiveDebian档案文件的GnuPG存档密钥

10.Create and sign the upload. Changes file, using dpkg-genchanges and gnupg创建上传文件.changes并给它签名,需要使用dpkg-genchanges和gnupg