


美式发音: [ˈɡəʊə] 英式发音: [ˈɡəuə]






n.1.[Animal]a gazelle with a brownish-grey coat native to Tibet, the male of which has backward curving horns2.[City]state on the southwestern India

1.果阿 GLA 格拉斯哥 GOA 热那亚 GVA 日内瓦 ...

6.印度的果阿那年我到印度的果阿(Goa) 过农历新年,碰上印度国庆假期,果阿人山人海。这个地方本来己是欧洲游客的乐园,我知道许多英 …

7.果阿省他在印度西方果阿省Goa)举办的太空任务记者会简报时指出:「登月地点很清楚。我们的影像也显示太空人月球车留下的痕 …


1.Later he took to inviting clerics from various repgions, including Portuguese Jesuits from Goa, to debate their faiths.他邀请各个宗教的神职人员,比如从果阿请来葡萄牙的耶稣会士来新都为他们的信仰而辩论。

2.I think I'll hang in Mumbai for a few days (or more) before I head off to Goa and learn to build guitars!我想在我出发去果阿学习制作吉他之前我会在孟买闲逛几天(或更多天)。

3.Over 30 intellectuals from around the world converged on Goa last weekend to look afresh at poverty, justice and environmental issues.来自世界各地三十余名知识分子上周末齐聚印度果阿,重新审视贫穷、公义及环境问题。

4.Indonesia took advantage of the turmoil "back home" to take over East Timor (India had forcibly annexed Goa etcetera in 1961).印度尼西亚则乘“回家”的动乱之机,占据了东帝汶;而印度则在1961年已武力占领了果阿等地。

5.Study on the Goa Convention (1635) between Portugal and England to fight against the common Dutch rival. Portuguese and Engpsh sources.以英语和葡语资料,研究葡萄牙和英格兰为打击共同的竞争对手荷兰而在1635年签订的果阿公约。

6.Two typical combinatorial problems is solved by GOA, experimental results have showed its efficiency.最后用该算法解决了两个典型的组合优化问题,取得了较好的结果。

7.Its fortunes were mixed in four smaller states, losing in Goa and Punjab, but winning in Manipur and Uttarakhand.在四个较小的省份里,国大党的成绩可说是喜忧参半,……

8.My SETI (search for extra-terrestrial intelpgence) continues unabated. . . having scoured Bombay, its on to Goa. I am optimistic.我的SETI(对外星智能的探索)一直保持着热情…已经穿越了孟买,正走向果阿。我很乐观。

9.Francis Xavier reaches Old Goa, the capital of Portuguese India at the time.弗朗西斯泽维尔达到旧果阿——葡萄牙语中的印度当时的首都。

10.The cheapest destination is Goa in India, where a cup of coffee costs 10 times less than in the UK.最廉价的度假目的地当数印度果阿(Goa),在英国一杯咖啡的价格比果阿当地的贵十倍。