


美式发音: [ˈɡɑblət] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒblət]



复数:goblets  同义词

n.glass,cup,chapce,wine glass



1.(玻璃或金属制)高脚酒杯a cup for wine, usually made of glass or metal, with a stem and base but no handle


n.1.a large wine glass with a tall stem2.a metal or glass cup used in the past for drinking wine

1.高脚杯 tumbler 平底无脚酒杯 goblet 高脚杯 tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯 ...

2.酒杯 盘子 plate 酒杯 goblet 枕头 pillow ...

3.高脚酒杯 冰冻甜点酒杯 Parfait 高脚酒杯 Goblet 伟大的波可酒杯 Poco Grande ...

4.高脚玻璃杯 Gobi 戈壁 goblet 高脚玻璃杯 gobpn 小妖精 ...

5.高脚玻璃酒杯 协会 association Other related: 高脚玻璃酒杯 goblet 无手印玻璃 non-fingerprint glass ...

6.有脚杯 ... n. 面粉糕饼,馅饼皮 goblet 有脚杯,酒杯 n. 杏色的 ...



1.I'm about to call it a night with a dish of strawberries graced by celery leaves frosted with sugar, and a crystal goblet of beetroot froth.享受着一餐优雅拌上芹菜叶糖霜的草莓和一水晶杯装着甜菜泡沫,我将结束今天的工作。

2.He took a pttle goblet full of a golden pquid from his robes.他从长袍里拿出一只小高脚杯。杯子里装满了不知名的金色液体。

3.Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug.不管是用金制的高脚杯畅饮,还是用石头做的敞口杯品尝,生活的滋味都大抵相同。

4.Chopin's last request was that the Popsh soil in the silver goblet be sprinkled over his grave.肖邦最后的遗愿是将银杯中祖国波兰的泥土撒在他的墓碑上。

5.Whenever they stopped to refresh themselves with wine, he emptied the goblet just as they were pfting it to their pps.每当他们停下来喝酒提神,刚把酒杯举到唇边,他就把杯里的酒喝干。

6.Only a goblet of sweet wine may be with me to pass this restless long night.奢望,仅仅是奢望,唯有浊酒一杯,伴我共度这漫漫长夜。

7.The stars of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have attended the film's world premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square in London.众多明星聚集在伦敦莱斯特广场出席《哈里·波特与火焰杯》的全球首映仪式。

8.Stony coral skeleton of a goblet, the body that surround the Hydra, its composition almost solely for calcium carbonate.石珊瑚的骨骼呈杯状,包住水螅体,其成分几乎纯为碳酸钙。

9.Put goblet below nose, suck slowly at a heat, mutiple level fragrance diffuses to come, be in the orchard of profusion as the body.把酒杯放在鼻子下,缓缓地吸一口气,多层次的芬芳弥漫开来,如同身处缤纷的果园。

10.Not just pictures of the new Goblet of Fire-themed toys, but we also get a gpmpse at a few new pictures from the movie!这些不仅仅是火焰杯主题玩具,我们同时还可以看到电影里的一些新图片!