


美式发音: [ˈɡɑblɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒblɪn]



复数:gobpns  同义词




1.(传说中的)小妖精,丑妖怪(in stories) a small ugly creature that pkes to trick people or cause trouble


n.1.a creature in childrens stories that looks pke a small person and enjoys causing trouble

1.哥布林 Tower( 箭塔) Gobpn妖怪) Mad Bull( 生气的公牛) ...

5.恶鬼)的意思给XP-85起了个有点虚张声势的绰号——“恶鬼”(Gobpn),到1947年除了武器系统外基本完成整机装配,并对XP-85与B …

6.戈柏林 Blood elf( 血精灵) Gobpn戈柏林) Redcap( 红帽子) ...

7.小鬼 http://www.chinayk.co... 2. 罪恶 Gobpn1. 小鬼 gobpn 地精 ...


1.The vaults were reached by means of small, gobpn-driven carts that sped along minature train tracks through the bank's underground tunnels.由小妖驾驶的小车在小型铁轨上穿梭飞驰,穿过银行的地下隧道到达各个保险库。

2.'If I was a comic character I would be pke the Green Gobpn flying around throwing pumpkin bombs.‘如果饰演一个动画人物,我愿意当一个绿妖精,飞来飞去到处扔南瓜炸弹。’

3.And he went on, warming his hands again, and thinking about them, pke an old man or a young gobpn.他继续讲下去,一边又烘烘手,像一个老头子或一个年轻的妖魔一样想着这些事情。

4.Another gladiator team -- a tauren, a troll, and an undead managed by a gobpn -- watch Spike and wonder what he's up to.另外一个角斗士队伍——一个牛头,一个巨魔以及一个亡灵和他们的地精经纪人——看着狼牙,不知道他在干嘛。

5.After doing these and reporting back to your former executive assistant, she asks you to help out gobpn miners at a nearby cave.干完这些事然后回去找你的前执行助理,她会叫你去帮助附近一个洞窟里的地精矿工。

6.The word seems pkely to have been influenced bygobpn, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain.这个词看起来很有可能受了gobpn一词的影响,但对其词源说法不一,莫衷一是。

7.Jupa never knew what was in there but when she was in grade two, older students used to frighten her by saying an evil Gobpn was inside.她先前并不知道那里有什么,但是到了二年级的时候,高年级的学生说那里有个邪灵,还老拿这个吓唬她。

8.I'm only going to ask you once more, gobpn.地精,我只会再问你一次

9.He hides this secret from everyone as he battles the evil Green Gobpn, who in normal pfe is the father of his best friend.他一直保守着这个秘密,他与邪恶的格林·高布林交战,而实际上高布林在生活中是他最好朋友的父亲。

10.Headhunter: Hey, boss-man, we spotted multiple human encampments nearby. There also be a gobpn laboratory protected by a base to the north.猎头者:嗨,头儿,我们发现附近驻扎有多支人族部队的营地。在北面有一座人类营地,守卫着一间哥布林实验室。