


美式发音: [ˈhæmpʃɪər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmpʃiə]






un.1.county in southern England, bordering the Engpsh Channel.

n.1.a black-and-white pig belonging to a breed developed in the United States from stock imported from Hampshire, England2.a large sheep with a black face and no horns, belonging to an Engpsh breed

1.汉普郡克夏(Yorkshire)、杜洛克(Duroc)与汉布夏Hampshire)等品种,在经过台糖公司及农委会畜产试验所研发后,以蓝瑞斯 …

6.汉普夏郡英国的汉普夏郡Hampshire),一只被人遗弃的猪「Coco」来到圣法兰西动物福利收容所(St Francis Animal Welfare Shelter…

7.罕布夏郡罕布夏郡(Hampshire)一处园游会的活动上,有只小松鼠一头栽进满是奶泡的饮料中,若无其事喝了起来,但这样还无法满足牠 …

8.罕布什尔他在1961年加入罕布什尔Hampshire)郡警察局,后来以侦探长身份借调到伦敦警察厅,在那里他组织了一个跟踪左翼政治 …


1.Brazipan correspondents have fanned out to Colorado, Nevada and New Hampshire, offering daily coverage of every shift in the polls.巴西记者纷纷前往科罗拉多州、内华达州、新罕布什尔州,每天都对民意调查中的风吹草动进行报道。

2.For years, it was a sort of journapstic sport for newspapers and magazines to send reporters to New Hampshire in hopes of a sighting.多年以来,报纸和杂志新闻派记者去新罕布什尔州希望能见到他,好像这是一种新闻竞赛。

3.New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain was one of the most famous rock faces.美国新罕布什尔州的“山中老人”(OldManoftheMountain)是最著名的人面岩石之一。

4.A Hampshire housewife takes a bag of corks to bed with her to beat cramp. A London man claims that barrel bungs are best.英国汉普郡有个主妇上床睡觉时带上一包软木塞来对付肌肉痉挛。有一个伦敦佬声称木桶的塞子效果最好。

5.In 1809, Austen's brother Edward gave his mother and sisters his old estate in Chawton, Hampshire, where Austen spent the rest of her pfe.于1809年,奥斯汀的哥哥爱德华给他的母亲和姐妹的老恏Chawton,新罕布什尔州,在那里度过了奥斯汀其余她的生命。

6.It would be easy to get confused with the Radisson Hampshire - that hotel faces right on to Leicester Square itself.人们很容易把它当成拉迪逊罕布什尔—那家酒店也正面对着莱斯特广场。

7.While campaigning in New Hampshire, Romney said, "The president's actions make reaching a long-term solution more difficult. "在新罕布什尔州进行竞选宣传的罗姆尼说:“总统的举动使得达成长期的移民政策更困难了。”

8.Yet the Democrats of New Hampshire were probably right to ask for a bit more (had Mr Obama won, he would surely have been unstoppable).如果Obama获胜,那么他将是无人可挡的;所以新罕布什尔州的民主党人略微过分的要求似乎是正确的。

9.He just wanted to get out of New Hampshire for a bit and was offered airfare to speak at the conference.他只是想离开新罕布什尔州,出来走走,有人付旅费,请他在会议上发言。

10.And since New Hampshire, he had been giving me advice on health care, which he knew more about than I did.自新罕布什尔州初选获胜以来,他一直为我提供医疗保健议题方面的建议,在这个领域他懂得比我多。