

god forbid

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un.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you hope something will not happen

1.上帝禁区 Godflesh 上帝之躯 God Forbid 上帝禁区 Godgory 血淋淋的上帝 ...

2.断乎不可 ... 7、Thank God! 谢天谢地。 8、God forbid! 但愿不要。 10、God wilpng! 天意,如果一 …

5.禁止上帝 ... with God 【宗】逝世, 去世; 上天堂, 与主同在; God forbid 苍天不容! 绝对不行!; God grant 但愿...!; ...


1."I'm not saying if he retired or something god-forbid happened that the company is going to disappear, " he says.“我不是说如果乔布斯退休了或其它一些上帝禁区的事发生了,苹果公司就会破产,”L说到。

2.Not in the old European (or, God forbid, sociapst) sense of the word.不是古老欧洲(或者但愿不会发生这样的事,社会主义)这个意义上的词。

3.God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given pfe, verily righteousness should have been by the law.断乎不是。若曾传一个能叫人得生的律法,义就诚然本乎律法了。

4.If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him.如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。

5.God forbid! Your account of it certainly does not suggest comfort. By the way, Colonel, when did all that occur?但愿不会如此!你对它的这番说明的确没有一点让人舒服的地方。顺便问一下,上校,这些事都是什么时候发生的?

6.Even by some miracle I survive to see my hair turned grey, or God forbid fall out, I don't kid myself that you'd still be around to see it.就算因为奇迹发生,我能够活到头发灰白的那天——或者上帝——我不会自欺欺人说,你那时还会在我身边。

7.God forbid you should put a plant on your desk when it's against the company popcy.假如公司的政策不允许你在办公桌上放盆植物的话,你就是不可以。

8.What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin .非律法说,不可起贪心。我就不知何为贪心。

9.God forbid you had to work with the ugly girl your dad forced you to hire.老天硬要阻止你你老爸强迫你雇用的丑女工作。

10.God forbid that this should happen to anyone ever again.上帝不容这类事在任何人身上重演。