




1.知沟缩减知识缺口) 组织的SWOT模式(3/4)  知识缺口(Knowledge Gap)  策略的达成需要知识的支援:  组织为了要规划或执 …


7.认识差距服务差距(service gap)的四个因素 § 认识差距knowledge gap) 这是顾客期望与零售商对顾客期望的认识之间的差别。

8.知识间隙的缺点就是:产品针对性太强,各种认证之间存在明显的知识间隙Knowledge Gap)和知识重复。


1.There appears to be a worrying knowledge gap, but, with a bit of schoopng, I can close it.这里看起来有不小的知识空白,没关系,简单普及一下,我就让你们明白了。

2.These differences inevitably lead to the appearance of "knowledge gap" , which affects the construction of an MPS in a negative way.差别的存在必然导致“知沟”问题的出现,进而影响全面小康社会的建设。

3.Vulnerable group; Information supporting; Information guarantee mechanism; Knowledge Gap Theory.弱势群体;信息援助;信息保障机制;知识沟理论。

4.Does this knowledge gap provide an opportunity for professional scientists to engage and support the DIYbio community?这知识差距是为专业的科学家提供一次从事和支持DIYbio社区的机会?

5.FAO supports country efforts to close the knowledge gap through field inventories and forest monitoring systems.粮农组织支持各国在通过实地调查和森林监测系统来弥补知识差距方面所付出的努力。

6.However, there may be a knowledge gap and you might need to work more closely with them.不过,这可能存在知识差距,而你可能需要与他们更紧密地合作。

7.What can leaders do to bridge the knowledge gap between themselves and their employees?身为领袖,应当怎样弥合自身和员工之间的知识差距?

8."There has been a knowledge gap between people in urban and rural areas for a long time and it won't disappear quickly, " Zhan said.中国城市和农村居民之间存在知识沟已经很长时间了,并且不可能在短期内消失。

9.If you want to close the knowledge gap here in the Himalayas then you have to strengthen the institutions [there].如果你想弥合喜马拉雅地区的知识鸿沟,那么你就要加强那里的研究机构。

10.Will Zetas balance that knowledge gap in future if needed?如果有需要的话,齐塔人能否平衡这种知识方面的鸿沟呢?