




1.高迪瓦 EL 雅诗兰黛 Godiva 歌帝梵 巧克力 Kiehl's 契尔氏 牛油果 ...

4.高迪瓦巧克力巧克力品牌中的佼佼者,其名字取自传说中尊 贵仁慈的戈黛娃Godiva)夫人之名。

7.歌帝梵巧克力 Starbucks 星巴克 Godiva 歌帝梵巧克力 Lindt 瑞士莲 ...

8.高蒂娃 Gemma 吉玛 - 宝石 Godiva 高蒂娃 - 礼物 Ida 艾妲 - 勤劳的、劳动的 ...


1.Lady Godiva rode naked through the empty streets of Coventry the next day.第二天葛黛瓦夫人一丝不挂骑着马穿过了空无一人的街道。

2.Only one man, a tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets.在葛黛瓦夫人骑马穿过大街时,只有一个裁缝偷看了。

3.But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you.但是当明牌巧克力糖没了,真爱的礼物是有一人将和你走长远的路。

4.I love Godiva Chocolate! And I love cookies, especially oatmeal raisin and peanut butter cookies.我喜欢高迪瓦巧克力,我喜欢饼干,特别是燕麦葡萄干和花生油的饼干。

5.tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets.葛黛瓦夫人骑着马穿过大街时,只有一个裁缝偷看了。

6.By introducing broader ranges of form and flavor, GODIVA introduces an all-new collection for a brand new era.运用最好的香料和组合,GODIVA以这最新的系列将品牌推上另一个高峰。

7.GODIVA Chocolatier celebrates its 80th anniversary with the rebirth of its iconic Gold Collection, a new take on a true original.GODIVA为了欢庆80周年纪念日,特别推出全新金装巧克力系列,这崭新并忠于真实的原味巧克力。

8.The British film Lady Godiva is a romantic comedy shot set in modern day Oxford in the vein of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones.英国电影《戈黛娃夫人》是一部拍摄于NottingHill和BridgetJones之间现代牛津的浪漫喜剧。

9.So when Godiva persuaded her reluctant husband to reduce their tax burden, he agreed to do so at a price.所以葛黛瓦劝说他的丈夫减轻税赋,他刚开始很不乐意,后来答应了,但是有个条件。

10.Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry.葛黛瓦是考文垂勋爵的漂亮太太。