


美式发音: ['wɪlsən] 英式发音: ['wɪlsn]




n.1.【姓氏】威尔逊; 威尔森; 卫奕信2.威尔逊3.【男名】男子名

un.1.mountain in southern Capfornia. It is home to Mount Wilson Observatory, an astronomical observatory.

1.威尔逊优惠,直接到公司购买,有时还能买到促销的网球拍,有威尔逊(WILSON)王子(PRINCE)沃牌(WOPAI)邓绿普等好拍,买拍最好买 …

2.维尔胜 海德 Head 维尔胜 wilson 中极星 ZJSTAR ...

3.威尔森, 本文利用同余式和费尔马(Fermat)定理等对威尔森(Wilson)定理给出又一简单证法.

4.威尔胜 Head/ 海德 Wilson/ 威尔胜 Babolat/ 百宝力 ...

5.钱国伟 Going My Way 与我同行 提名 Wilson 威尔逊总统传 Since You Went Away 自君别后 ...


8.维尔逊北达维尔逊(Wilson),南至联合车站(Union Station)。约3000部地面巴士,街车的车辆(有些巴士可以开到地铁站入口),都直 …


1.When she looked out of the window at midnight, Mrs. Wilson saw a man trying to open Mr. Smith's window. Mrs.威尔逊夫人夜里往窗外看时,看见有小我狡计打开史姑娘师长教师家的窗户。

2.Wilson becomes more than just a great ant man. He extends the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution.威尔逊不仅仅是一位伟大的蚁学家,他从蚁群出发让我们得以一窥进化的全貌。

3.Wilson: You're. . . you're trying to objectively measure how much I value our friendship.威尔森:你……你用钱来衡量我看不看重我们的友谊?

4.It's not your fault. Certain things happen naturally. Doctor Wilson will see you through all this. You'll be in the best of hands.这不是你的错。有的事情是必然要发生的,没办法避免。韦尔逊医生帮你度过了最危险的时刻。

5.Finally, while a dangpng lure is optional, being hungry, Dr. Wilson says, at least metaphorically, "probably helps quite a bit. "最后,虽然悬挂的诱饵可有可无,威尔逊说,但至少是从喻义上来说,饥饿状态“可能会很有帮助。”

6.One of the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be inaugurated as President in 1913.妇女选举权运动最大的抗议活动之一就发生在1913年伍德罗·威尔森总统就职典礼的前一天。

7.One student was particularly excited to see Lord Wilson again as she recalls her encounter with him at the age of four in a drawing class.其中一位同学更兴奋说,卫奕信勋爵于她四岁时到访她学习绘画的社区中心,并与她握手留念。

8."By the time this sauropod was about a year old, we think it would have been out of the range of Sanejeh, " Wilson said.“当这只蜥脚类动物长到大约一岁时,我们认为它可能已比Sanejeh的个头大”,威尔逊说。

9.After Mr. Wilson lost all his money, he made a virtue of necessity and found a new and interesting pfe as a teacher.威尔林先生失去所有的财富后,只好将就现实生活,并发现当教师是一种新鲜而有趣有生活。

10.But Wilson's mind was so damaged by his illness that he had to have peace on his terms or not at all.但是,疾病严重损伤了威尔逊的思维,他不得不提出自己的和平条件或根本不提。