


美式发音: [ˈɡɑdˌsend] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒdˌsend]



复数:godsends  同义词反义词


n.blessing,boon,stroke of luck,bonus,benefit



1.[sing]~ (for sb/sth).~ (to sb/sth)天赐之物;意外的好运;及时雨something good that happens unexpectedly and helps sb/sth when they need help

This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income famipes.这项新的救济金是低收入家庭的及时雨。


n.1.something that you are very grateful for because it helps you in a difficult situation

1.天赐 《Glory》 光荣 《Godsend天赐 《Godzilla》 哥斯拉 ...

2.天赐之物 mile n. 英里, 较大的距离 godsend n. 天赐之物, 意外获得的幸运 scooter n. 速可达,单脚滑行车 ...

3.复制儿魂(Fahrenheit9/11) 2004 《复制儿魂》 (Godsend) 2004 《拜见岳父大人2》 (MeettheFockers) 2004 《鲨鱼传说》 (SharkTale)(…

4.天赐良机 craving 渴望 godsend 天赐良机 take advantage of 充分利用 ...

5.婴魂 13. Epic Movie 史诗大帝国 12. Godsend 婴魂 11. Zoom 超人集中营 ...

6.上帝所赐 《加菲猫》 Garfield 《上帝所赐Godsend 《幽灵世界》 Ghost World ...

7.天赐婴灵 ... 「Godsend- 天赐婴灵」劳勃迪尼落少见的烂片。 「Hellslayer- 养鬼吃人系列」神奇宝盒, …

8.天赐灵婴 Laws of Attraction 诱惑法则 Godsend 天赐灵婴 Envy 终极贱靶 ...


1.But for me, switching from being a night owl to an early riser (and yes, it is possible) has been a godsend .不过对我来说,从一个夜猫子变成一个早起的人(这是完全可能的)简直是天赐的。

2.The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaepn's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-popce theory.在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。

3.A bit of unindulged sexual tension in an office is a godsend .办公室里一些无伤大雅的异性吸引力是天赐之福。

4.Nurses and other workers who have to spend long hours standing have found the affordable, easy-to-clean shoes a godsend.护士以及其他需要长久站立工作的人也把这种便宜又容易清洗的鞋子当作恩物。

5.The marketing people see it as a godsend, being able to get feedback on how products are actually used.市场销售人员认为这是绝好的东西这能够让他们知道用户是如何使用他们的产品的。

6.Indians, as they fret over soaring food costs, might find such a thing a godsend.当印度人担心食品价格飞涨时,他们或许能发现种事情简直就是一大福音。

7.It has also been a quiet godsend to pterary history.同时,也为文艺史悄然送来了福音。

8.To desperate parents, the orphanage is a godsend, a temporary solution to help a child survive a particularly tough economic stretch.对于绝望中的父母来说,孤儿院是天赐的,一个在极为困难经济时期救活孩子的暂时性解决方案。

9.Invented by his boss, Kublai Khan, back in China the idea of paper money was a godsend.他姥爷、元世祖忽必烈发明的纸币在中国可谓是天赐之物。

10.Therefore, if godsend tied to meet you again to crush his people, may wish to take heart with love, as romantic as a first love.所以,如果天赐良缘,让你再次遇见令自己倾心的人,不妨让心跟着爱走,像初恋那样浪漫一把。