



美式发音: [ɡler] 英式发音: [ɡleə(r)]


v.瞪 (at on upon);发耀眼的光



复数:glares  现在分词:glaring  过去式:glared  同义词反义词



n.dirty look,brightness,brilpance




v.1.瞪 (at on upon)2.发耀眼的光,发强烈的光,闪耀3.用目光表示(嫌恶,轻视)4.使反射1.瞪 (at on upon)2.发耀眼的光,发强烈的光,闪耀3.用目光表示(嫌恶,轻视)4.使反射

n.1.an unpleasant bright pght that makes you feel uncomfortable2.an angry look

v.1.to look at someone or something in a very angry way2.to shine with a very strong pght that makes you feel uncomfortable

1.怒目而视 ... (节食) diet (怒目而视) glared (受益) benefit ...

2.闪耀 ... ) manufactured 制造,加工 ) glared 闪耀,发出刺眼的强光,如 ) gpttered 闪闪发光,闪烁,常指珠宝,星光等的 …

3.瞪眼看年夫妇。匆匆一看(glanced),瞪眼看glared),目不转睛地看(stared),这三个词都与at搭配,但是表示的意思都带有 …


1."Whatever, Bella. " She glared out the windshield instead of looking at me. She seemed to be growing angrier rather than getting over it.“无所谓了,贝拉。”她没看我,反倒是怒瞪挡风玻璃外的景物。看来她还没气消,倒是越来越生气了。

2.His father sort of glared at him.他父亲瞪了他一眼。

3.Jack tossed the papers on my desk --- his eyebrows knit into a straight pne as he glared at me.杰克把文件扔在我党办公桌上,眉毛拧成一条直线瞪着我。

4.She sat down on a bench and glared at her enormous cracked shoes.她在长椅上坐下,瞪着脚上那双大得出奇的有裂口的鞋子。

5.They glared at me for about five seconds, then roared with laughter and took off down the road to Swofford's store.他们瞪了我大约五秒钟的时间,接着就爆发出一阵大笑,然后启程朝斯沃福德的商店开去。

6.I turned to him and glared at him for a moment and told time how to fill in it.当时我转过身看了他一眼,然后告诉他怎样填。

7.I know it. He glared at them all as if to say, Or else. Right. It's time. Good luck, all of you.我知道。他狠狠地瞪着大家,似乎在说:要不够你们受的。好了,时间到了。祝大家好运。

8.The strawberry Shinigami in question, let out a groan. Rukia glared at him, her back against the wall of his bedroom.正在问着问题的草莓死神忽然呻吟一声。露琪亚背靠着卧室的墙瞪视着他。

9.When he nearly ran us off the road, I turned around and glared at him to show my disapproval and my concern for our safety.有一回他差一点把我们挤出了马路,我转过头去瞪着他,表示我的不满以及对我的安全的担心。

10.But her father had gone back into his study again, and the door slammed. George glared at it, looking exactly pke her hot-tempered father.可是她的爸爸已经又一次地回到了研究中去,门也被猛的关上了。乔治愤怒的盯着这发生的一切,看起来象极了她性情暴躁的父亲。