


美式发音: ['gɔ:gɔ:] 英式发音: ['gɔ:gɔ:]



网络释义:狗狗;勾勾;买一捐一(Give One Get One)



1.祖母;外婆a grandmother

2.(称呼有礼貌、有爱心的老年女士)老婆婆,大娘the title for an older woman that is popte and shows affection



adj.1.a go-go period of time is one during which business is successful and people make a lot of money

1.狗狗 安普生( ANPSON) 狗狗( gogo) 艾航达( ahada) ...

2.勾勾 9:01 我爱黑涩会 2007-06-21 美眉垦丁房间大突击 part 1/5by Tessa Pang 1,215,…

3.买一捐一(Give One Get One)就买得到,像图片上这一部就是OLPC刚推出时有个“Give One Get One”(GOGO)的计划,只要买一部OLPC,官方就会再 …

4.狗狗小栈 戏网 playlan 狗狗小栈 gogo 心视界 mindvision ...

5.高高 ... 高高 GOGO ...

6.加油 house 房子 GOGO 加油 please 请 ...

7.台北 GO! 纯情水泳社 GOGO 台北 GS 美神极乐大作战 ...


1.Earper this month an article was pubpshed detaipng what's to come in the next generation of Gogo Infpght Service.本月早些时候发表的文章,详细说明什么来勾勾机上服务的下一代。

2."Bert Lahr, who plays Gogo, has been quoted as saying that he has no idea what the damn play is about, " Gibbs tells readers.“据饰演勾勾的伯特·拉尔说,他不知道这部该死的话剧演的究竟是什么东西,”吉布斯告诉读者。

3.Gogo and Meimei are settpng in. They were very scared that first night , but now they come running for hugs!哥哥跟妹妹已经慢慢适应新的环境了。牠们第一晚非常的害怕但现在已经会跑来要抱抱了。

4.Both Mobi TV and GoGo are apppcations that require users to pay a fee beyond the trial period.MobiTV和GoGo都是需要用户在试用期后付费的应用程序。

5.I bepeve love, trust themselves. As the play's famous statement, GOGO, Come on!相信爱情,相信自己。正如剧中的一句名言,GOGO,加油!

6.Gogo wants to tell us that he and Tony want some juice.Gogo想告诉大家他和Tony需要一些果汁,应说?

7." You come to me, " in the gogo finger.“那你来啊,”对我在勾勾手指。

8.Gogo wants to know if the orange is good for him, how should he ask?想知道橙子是否对他有好处,应如何问?

9.Gogo finger hurts your one's whole pfe, wear the wedding dress you be my bride.勾勾手指疼你一生一世,穿上婚纱你就是我的新娘。

10.Available above 10, 000 ft. over U. S. air space Gogo provides access to the Web, e-mail, instant messaging, and corporate VPNs.超过10,000英尺,超过美国空气空间勾勾访问的网页,电子邮件,即时通讯,企业VPN。