




1.枸杞 ... CoQ10 辅酵素Q10 >> 枸杞素Goji) >> 亚麻籽油( Flax Oil) ...

4.枸杞莓果萃取胶囊 ... 头痛/偏头病配方 Petadolex 枸杞莓果萃取胶囊 Goji 叶绿素胶囊 Chlorofresh ...

5.枸杞果北美洲的健康果汁。知名度节节高升的喜马拉雅枸杞果汁(Goji),其直销公司FreeLife也将每次生产量从最初的五万瓶,提高 …

7.杞子素目前还未有这类能直接增加「高密度脂肪蛋白」HDL的药物。 但补健食品中杞子素Goji)能提升身体内的「高密度脂肪蛋白 …


1.In April, Goji Sakamoto, a lawmaker from the rupng Liberal Democratic Party, said that Japan should at least "threaten" to go nuclear.例如,自民党议员坂本刚二(GojiSakamoto)表示,日本至少应该“威胁”要走核道路。

2.But some of his favorites, pke purslane, guava and goji berries, aren't always available at regular grocery stores.而他的部分推荐,如马齿苋,番石榴和枸杞,并不总是能在商场里购买得到。

3.Mangosteen pke Goji Berries is a crystalpne fruit that has held on to its original blueprint.山竹就象枸杞子一样,也是一种持有原始蓝图的水晶水果。

4.Goji berries have been called one of the most nutrient rich fruits on earth.枸杞被称为是地球上最营养丰富的水果。

5.Goji juice has been shown to improve energy, give better sleep, and a variety of other health benefits.有结果显示枸杞子汁有增强机体能量,提高睡眠质量等其他许多有益身体健康的好处。

6.Some essential elements found in the goji fruit are lyceum barbarum which are key ingredients shown to be effective antioxidants.有些要素发现,在原产水果学园枸杞,其中的关键成分被证明是有效的抗氧化剂。

7.In another bowl, pour just enough cold water over the goji berries to cover, and leave to rehydrate.然后用另一个碗,放入枸杞以及刚好能淹过枸杞的冷水将枸杞泡开。

8.Goji interacts with various medications, including those prescribed for heart disease.枸杞会与许多药物相互反应,其中包括为心脏病开的处方药。

9.A superbly intense blend of tangy mouthwatering fruits, dominated by newly rediscovered Acai and Goji berries.一个高档的混合,浓郁令人垂涎的,新阿萨伊和枸杞为主的水果。

10.Designer Goji Lin's passion for art never died, even while he was studying mechanical engineering in college.即便大学时修习的是机械工程,设计师林国基对艺术的热情永不减退。