




1.戈尔茨坦  美国杜克大学的戈尔茨坦Goldstein)教授在同期述评中指出,他同意对ICH患者给予他汀治疗的风险可能超出其潜在益处, …


3.戈德斯坦  戈德斯坦Goldstein)从心理学角度深入研究了员工培训,形成较为成熟的理论体系。他在《培训:计划发展与评估》中研究 …

4.戈尔斯坦之后的戈尔斯坦Goldstein)认为组织分析指分析组织整体的系统性要素,除了需要考察组织目标与组织资源之外,还需要对 …

5.戈尔德斯坦戈尔德斯坦(Goldstein)对大脑受伤的病人作了深刻的分析,第一次证明了应对性反应(无论多么微弱)和在不能进行应对或应对无 …


1.sterile. When getting an X-ray of any part of the body, men should always request a lead shield for their testicles, says Dr. Goldstein.遭受大剂量辐射也会使男性永久丧失生育能力。戈尔茨坦说,无论身体的哪个部位接受。

2.Mr. Goldstein said the company was dividing its programming resources equally between Android and Apple phones.Goldstein说公司已经把编程资源平分给了安卓和苹果手机。

3.Mr. Goldstein said the fact that the ships were unarmed showed that China was taking a cautious approach.戈尔斯坦先生说,事实上船只并没有配备武器,这表明中国采取谨慎的应对方法。

4.Korean war veteran Allan Goldstein said he and his wife had been forced to sell their home and were pving in their daughter's spare room.朝鲜战争退伍军人阿兰·戈尔德斯坦说,他和他的妻子被迫卖掉了他们自己的房子,现在只能住在他们女儿家的空房间里。

5."He talked and he talked and that is all he did, " said Aaron Goldstein, one of Mr Blagojevich's lawyers.“他谈了几次话,就这么回事,”布拉戈耶维奇的律师之一阿龙•戈尔茨坦说。

6.It was just his way of talking, Goldstein thought.他说话就是这么个腔调——戈尔斯坦心想。

7.A good bra should last for at least two years, says Jenette Goldstein, owner of the Jenette Bras shop.珍妮特文胸店店主珍妮特-戈尔茨坦(JenetteGoldstein)说,一副好的文胸应当有至少两年的寿命。

8."The situation there seems to be escalating in dangerous ways, " Mr. Goldstein said.格尔斯坦说:“那儿的形势似乎正在向危险方向升级。”

9.Once the students have posted their projects for all to see, Goldstein is then able to evaluate their work.当学生张贴项目以供他人查看时,Goldstein能够评估他们的成果。

10."Mr. Goldstein, " I said, "Come with me. "“戈登斯泰恩先生,”我说,“跟我来吧。”