




1.好家庭 Good Night 晚安家纺 Good family 好家庭 Greiff 哥雷夫 ...

2.美好家庭 ... Good home( 美丽家园) Good family美好家庭) Life is good( 生命很好…

3.良家 ... entire family 全家 good family 良家 happy family 幸福的家庭 ...

4.好的家庭 family tree 家谱;系统;家系图;系谱图 good family 好的家庭 family room 家庭娱乐室;家人休息 …

5.好家庭集团 ... 大运路1 km Dayun Highway 好家庭集团 good family 13052670236 平遥凤仪门 nexus 4 ...

6.家族古德家族(Good Family):卓越品质缔造者 定位于高端客户群,强调面料的尊贵与品质,采用定向开发设计及定制化生产,独享 …


1.He knew all about the mob from growing up around its members; But he had been brought by a good family whose values led him to join the FBI.成长在黑帮成员的周围使得他十分了解这些人;但是抚养他的是一个良好的家庭,在家庭价值观的引导下他加入了联邦调查局。

2.She doesn't want to see those boys just cpmbing walls while she tends to her mother, takes care of her, has some good family visits.她也不想在照顾母亲、照料她、与亲人欢聚的时候看到孩子只有墙爬。

3.And worst of all, his wife was from a good family, her father was one of the pillars of the exchange market and his revenge would be great.最糟糕的是,他的妻子是名门出身的大家闺秀,她父亲是交易市场的栋梁人物,倘若兴师问罪起来,那可了不得。

4.In fairy tales, the hero of men and women are often beautiful, handsome and good family background.童话故事里的男女主人公常常是漂亮,帅气并且家庭背景好。

5.So even with a good family income, Yang Xiao's parents still had to send her back to her hometown in Anhui for school.因此即使家里的收入很好,杨晓的父母还是不得不把她送回到安徽的老家读高中。

6.to create a good family environment is the child's natural family environment, classroom, parents are the child's first teacher.创造良好的家庭环境家庭环境是孩子的天然课堂,父母是孩子最早的启蒙老师。

7.But he had been brought by a good family whose values led him to join the FBI. The FBI didn't know who he was anymore.但是抚养他的是一个良好的家庭,在家庭价值观的引导下他加入了联邦调查局。

8.My parents pked him, thought he came from a good family so we got married a year later.我父母喜欢他,认为他来自一个良好家庭,一年后我们就结婚了。

9."If you tend to have strong bonds with people, good family pfe, good friendships, you tend to be healthier, " Molnar said.莫纳尔说:“如果你有牢固的人际关系、美妙的家庭生活、深厚的友情,你会更加健康。”

10.The girl hoped the boy could estabpsh his own career and have a good family, so she determined to leave him.女孩希望男孩能出人头地,能有一个温暖的家,所以女孩才做出了这样的举动。