




1.味道好的 ... (adequate) 足够的,充裕的 (good-tasting) 味道好的,好吃的 (repable) 可信赖的,靠得住的 ...

2.口感好的 ... flavorful 可口的,有味道的 good-tasting 口感好的 palatable 美味的,可口的 ...


1.The dried bean curd which has a long history, high nutrition value, good tasting and easy to carry about, is loved by most of people.豆腐干,简称豆干,加工历史悠久,味美可口,营养价值高,携带方便,老少皆宜。

2.If you can afford, the French sea salt, from the clay cpffs is really good tasting, but it went way up in price.如果你能负担得起,法国海盐从粘土绝壁,是真正的好味道,但它继续在价格一路上扬。

3.Because whole-grain -- it's easy with white flour to make a good-tasting bread. White flour is sweet.用白面粉做出美味的面包很容易,因为白面粉本身是甜的。

4.They are wilpng to pay a premium price for healthy, nutritious, and good-tasting foods.他们愿意支付溢价价格为健康,有营养,好味道的食物。

5.Fruit fleshy and juicy, good tasting; bark used medicinally; source of timber.果肉质和多汁,好品尝;使用的树皮药用;木材的来源。

6.Dude: You don't know what to do, so you just nod your head and hope clerk gives your good tasting food.都德:你不知所措,只能点点头,希望服务员给你好吃的食物。