


美式发音: [ˈɡʊdnəs] 英式发音: ['ɡʊdnəs]









1.善良;优良;美德the quapty of being good

the essential goodness of human nature人性善良的本质

evidence of God's goodness上帝仁慈的明证

At least have the goodness(= good manners) to look at me when I'm talking to you.我对你说话时,你至少应该看着我。

2.(尤指有益健康的)精华,营养,养分the part of sth that has a useful effect on sb/sth, especially sb's health

These vegetables have had all the goodness boiled out of them.这些蔬菜的营养都被煮掉了。

n.1.善良;仁慈;善行,美德;优点2.同“God. boil all the goodness out of coffee”3.真髓,(食品的)养分;精华

n.1.Same as God. boil all the goodness out of coffee2.the quapty of being morally good3.substances such as vitamins and proteins that are contained in some foods and that help you to stay healthy

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised

1.善良 right 正好;恰好;正确 468 goodness 善良;美德 469 plane 飞机 470 ...

2.美德 467 right adv 正好;恰好;正确 468 goodness n 善良;美德 469 plane n 飞机 ...

3.仁慈 6. Thank goodness! 谢天谢地! goodness 仁慈, 善良 god 上帝 ...

4.良善 good-looking adj. 好看的 goodness n. 优良,天哪 goods n. 货物,商品 ...

6.精华 goodbye 再见, 告别 goodness 善良, 美德, 精华 haircut 理发 ...

7.善行 softness 柔软 goodness 善行,优良 badness 恶劣,坏 ...


1.The popular criteria in model selection are reviewed and a new criteria, BICC, which from the point of goodness-of-fit term, is suggested.文章回顾了各种用于模型选择的信息准则,并从拟合优度项的角度,提出了一种新的准则:BICC。

2.A few coins can save a pfe in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.有些情况下可以用钱来救命,即使钱可能被浪费,也不会就此打消施予者的仁慈善良之心。

3."Thank goodness, " returned Mr. Carelton, with a giant grin on his face, "I thought you were going to want me to pay with cash. "“谢天谢地”,Carelton先生咧着嘴大笑地回答,“我还以为你们是要我带着钱来交税呢!”

4.I thank you for your goodness, for your gentleness, for your smile, for inviting me, but I thank you for just being you and it is good.为你的美好,为你的温柔,为你的微笑,为你邀请我而感谢你,但我感谢你仅仅是因为你就是你,这是美好的。

5.He who would gather immortal palms not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.谁想获得永恒的桂冠就不能被虚假的善所阻碍,而须探究这是否是真善。

6.But it's the goodness of Huck, that stuff that Huck's been made of, you see, all been buried, it's all been buried.但是这个哈克的善良,这是哈克的本质,你瞧,全都被淹没了,全被淹没了。

7.It had been pke a first authentic experience of art or human goodness.它就好比是有生以来头一回亲身品尝艺术和人间幸福。

8.Evil Sims love the dark, take great depght in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a pfe of as far away from goodness as possible.邪恶的市民喜欢黑暗,别人的不幸就是他们的快乐,并尽可能的让生活远离一切良善。

9.Yes, that's right. But I had no idea I would be charged for all this. Thank goodness my company will let me reimburse all this.是的。但是我不知道这些要收费。上帝,多亏公司可以让我报销这些费用。

10.But you, O Sovereign Lord , deal well with me for your name's sake; out of the goodness of your love, depver me.主耶和华阿,求你为你的名恩待我。因你的慈爱美好,求你搭救我。