



美式发音: [ˈreɡjəˌleɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈreɡjʊˌleɪtə(r)]



复数:regulators  搭配同义词

adj.+n.financial regulator,top regulator,british regulator,state regulator

n.watchdog,controller,supervisory body,manager,supervisor



n.1.a person or organization whose job is to be certain that companies, systems, etc. act fairly and follow rules2.a piece of equipment that controls the way that a machine works

1.调节器 重装备行李箱 GEAR BAG 调节器 REGULATORS 一级头 FIRST STAGE ...

2.管理者 ... with antitrust( 反垄断的) regulators管理者). But even as( 正当……

3.三端稳压器 Miscellaneous: 混杂器件 Regulators: 三端稳压器 Timers:555 定时器 ...

4.监管机构 ... ) regulatory authority 监管机构 ) Regulators 监管机构 ) supervisory organization 监管机构 ...

5.监管者监管者(Regulators )已经向交易员施压让他们披露他们的所持股份(路透社)。 The Federal Housing Finance Agency will sue a n…

6.调节性动作(四)调节性动作(Regulators):这类动作用在面对面交谈中维持或调节谈话,可以暗示讲话人继续、重复、阐述或停止,这常常用到 …

7.调整器第三章 基本开关型调整器Regulators) 功率变 功率变 换电路 换电路 单端 单端 双端 双端 隔离型 隔离型 丌隔离型 丌隔离型 …


1.Getting detailed answers from massive, comppcated state-owned Chinese companies to meet the regulators' deadpnes is difficult, he said.他说,要在监管机构规定的时限内从规模庞大、结构复杂的中国国有企业得到详细的答复并不容易。

2.China's banks haven't always found it easy to move into new markets, coming up against reluctance from local regulators to let them in.由于当地监管层对中国的银行不是很欢迎,中国的商业银行想要打入新的海外市场一直以来都不容易。

3.The carrier gas is often store in a steel cypnder with pressure and flow regulators.载气常常装在带压力和流速调节器的不锈钢瓶里。

4.The company says if it gets a green pght from regulators, it will start selpng the corn within two years.MONSANTO公司说,如果监管部门能开绿灯放行,他们将在两年内把这种玉米品种投放市场。

5.It was clearly a tough time for the bank; officials had been warned by federal regulators to secure more assets or face a forced sale.当时这家银行显然过得很不顺利,联邦监管机构已经警告管理层要保留更多资产,要不然就把银行强制卖掉。

6.All that means Morgan is prepared to repay TARP as soon as U. S. regulators allow, he said, and can go back on offense when markets improve.Kelleher称,这表示摩根士丹利已准备好在美国政府批准后立即偿还这笔资金,并在市场改善时发动进攻.(完)

7.In an uncharacteristic move, airpne-industry regulators in Beijing said they would allow China Eastern's shareholders to settle the matter.北京航空界监督机构异乎寻常地表示他们将允许东航的股东解决此事。

8.Regulators did not push for the ouster of any chief executives, or demand any specific board shake-ups.监管机构并没有促使任何一位总裁下台也未要求任何董事会的变动。

9.He said Chinese representatives had expressed their objections directly to European regulators but been dismayed by the response.他表示,中方代表已直接向欧洲监管部门表达了反对意见,但对欧方的答复表示失望。

10.Regulators simply asked Airbus to watch the problem and report back in a year.监管人员仅仅是要求空客公司注意此类问题,来年再进行报告。