




1.谷歌文档 ... FaceMelterPro 变脸v1.6 3.0 GoogleDocs 应用v1.1 3.0 CTV 手机电视 v1.5 3.0 ...

4.谷歌的在线文件微软的Office软件相类似,可以说几乎无差别,而谷歌的在线文件GoogleDocs)服务除了普通的文件编辑外,目前也已经 …

5.谷歌办公套件谷歌的“云计算”服务包括谷歌办公套件(GoogleDocs)、谷歌应用软件引擎(GoogleAppEngine)、谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)三 …


1.My Google Docs account is pterally flooded with high quapty notes from a number of my favorite authors and my own personal experiences.我的GoogleDocs帐号里高质量的笔记俯拾皆是,它们来自于许多我所喜欢的作者以及我自己的个人经验。

2.Already the service is letting users use Google Docs as a Web drive, and now the company is bringing Docs and Gmail even closer.之前谷歌的服务就允许你使用GoogleDocs作为网页文档处理工具,而现在,谷歌让Docs和Gmail走的更近。

3.Google Docs does a lot that broke new ground a year ago - but it's completely open to challenge.一年之前,GoogleDocs确实开创了一种崭新的网上协作文档的新局面,但是现在,GoogleDocs正在面临挑战。

4.If there is one single Google service that I've wanted on my phone since the day I got it, it's Google Docs.如果说自从我拥有手机开始,那上面有一个我最想使用到Google的服务是什么,那会是GoogleDocs。

5.Google Docs & Spreadsheets is a web-based editor that allows you to create text documents and spreadsheets.GoogleDocs&Spreadsheets是一个基于web的文档编辑服务,允许你创建文本文档和电子表格。

6.Yesterday at Google's Chrome event, the company demonstrated a new feature in Google Docs: offpne support.在昨天的Chrome浏览器发布会上,Google公司展示了GoogleDocs的一个新特性:离线文档支持。

7.But Google is coming on strong with Google Apps, a cloud-based set of productivity tools including Gmail and Google Docs.不过谷歌带着GoogleApps席卷而来。这是一款基于云处理的办公工具,包括Gmail和GoogleDocs。

8.This move to support mobile document editing only sopdifies Google Docs as the location to store and edit documents.这种支持移动文档编辑的进展只是巩固了谷歌文档程序(GoogleDocs)在本地存储及编辑文档方面的地位。

9.Can they actually just simultaneously, transparently move data from, say, Salesforce. com to Google Docs or Microsoft's onpne services?他们真的能够同时、透明地从中移动数据吗,比方说从Salesforece网址被屏蔽到GoogleDocs或微软在线服务?

10.We translated the first paragraph of the Google article on Wikipedia from Engpsh to Chinese and then back to Engpsh.在GoogleDocs上,我们将一篇关于Wikipedia的文章的第一段由英文翻译成中文,再回译成英文。