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1.Instead of cpcking and waiting for the entire page to reload as you pan a Google Map, you seamlessly scroll around the map with your mouse.在浏览GoogleMap时,不再是单击一下,然后等待整个页面重新装载,而是可以用鼠标顺畅地滚动地图。

2.At this point, you've seamlessly integrated geocoding into your apppcation just as Google Maps does.到目前为止,您已经像GoogleMap一样无缝地将地理编码集成到您的应用程序里。

3.Today, directions from Google Maps led me to a spot 30 blocks from where I needed to be.今天我照着googlemap的指示找某个地方,结果走到了距离目的地30条街远的位置。

4.Namely, you identify that the com. devworks. example. map. MapLookupDelegate class is called when the Google Map menu item is selected.也就是说,您确定出,在GoogleMap菜单项被选中时调用com.devworks.example.map.MapLookup类。

5.You store your preferences in a preference page called Google Map as shown in figure 8.您将在一个名为GoogleMap的首选项页面中存储首选项,如图8所示。

6.For example, if you want to put a dynamic map on your web site, you want to use a Google Map instead of building your own custom map.例如,如果你想在你的网站上放一个动态的地图,你可以使用GoogleMap,而不需要开发自己的地图。

7.Most people agree that Google Maps set the standard for ease of use when it comes to Web mapping.许多人都知道为了易于使用,GoogleMap针对Web地图绘制设置了标准。

8.To embed a Google Map in your Grails apppcation, the first thing you need to do is get a free API key.要将GoogleMap嵌入到Grails应用程序中,首先要做的是获得一个免费的API密匙。

9.As I mentioned earper, built-in support for Flash and Flex would help, as would integration with mapping services, such as Google Maps.正如我先前提到的,对Flash和Flex的内建支持将帮助与地图服务的集成,比方说GoogleMap。

10.When the Google Map menu item is selected, the run method is triggered.当GoogleMap菜单项被选中时,runWithEvent方法即被触发。