


美式发音: [daɪ'æzəpæm] 英式发音: [daɪ'æzəpæm]





1.安定;苯甲二氮䓬a drug that is used to make people feel less anxious and more relaxed


n.1.a tranquilpzer that has habit-forming potential.

1.地西泮 五氟利多 Penfluridol 地西泮 Diazepam 氯硝西泮 Clonazepam ...

2.安定精神或心理因素病人可适当给予镇静剂或抗焦虑药鶒,如西地泮(diazepam)、阿普唑伦(alprazolam)等对胡桃夹食管病人进行 …

8.苯甲二氮卓 *DET 二乙色胺 *Diazepam 苯甲二氮卓 *DMA 二甲氧基安非他明 ...


1.Objective: To analyse the monitoring result of the blood concentration of neonatal tetanus treated with large dose diazepam.目的:对大剂量地西泮治疗新生儿破伤风血药浓度监测结果进行分析。

2.Methods The six dogs that are intubated on general anesthesia, ketamine is maintained the general anesthesia with diazepam.方法犬6只,气管插管全身麻醉,氯胺酮和安定维持全麻。

3.Results: Diazepam could remarkably prolong the time of survival, reduce muscles tremor and twitch, and potentiate Atropine.结果:安定能显著延长中毒小鼠的存活时间,明显改善肌震颤和抽搐等症状,且与阿托品有较强的协同作用。

4.Conclusion: The compound diazepam tablets can be effective in treating anxiety disorders in old age, rapid onset of adverse reactions.结论:复方地西泮片可有效治疗老年期焦虑症,起效快,不良反应少。

5.Diazepam-propofol was proved to be a safe, intravenous anaesthetic method.安定-异丙酚复合麻醉证实为一种安全可靠的静脉麻醉方法。

6.abstract: Objective Curative effect analysis on combination of phenobarbital and diazepam in the treatment of children febrile convulsion.目的探讨地西泮与苯巴比妥联合治疗小儿热性惊厥的临床疗效。

7.Conclusions: Diazepam may be add to the common therapeutic drugs for organophosphorus poisoning.结论:可以将安定纳入有机磷农药中毒的常规治疗药物。

8.No hippocampus lesions and mossy fiber sprouting were found in both of the normal sapne and diazepam interferential groups.生理盐水对照组和地西泮干预组均未见海马结构损伤性改变以及苔藓纤维发芽现象。

9.All the rabbits were anesthetized with intramuscular ketamine and diazepam .用氯胺酮和地西泮肌注麻醉。

10.Objective To estabpsh a method for simultaneous determination of diazepam in formapn-fixed rabbit pver tissue.目的建立福尔马林溶液固定的家兔肝脏中地西泮的检测方法。