



美式发音: ['ɡoʊfə] 英式发音: [ˈɡəʊfə(r)]





n.1.【动】地鼠;金花鼠2.【动】(美国南部)可以食用的龟; 沙龟3.【IT,计】地鼠程序,许多图书馆在因特网上使用的一种卡片索引程序4.〈非正式,俚〉明尼苏达州人1.【动】地鼠;金花鼠2.【动】(美国南部)可以食用的龟; 沙龟3.【IT,计】地鼠程序,许多图书馆在因特网上使用的一种卡片索引程序4.〈非正式,俚〉明尼苏达州人

n.1.[Animal]a small furry animal mainly found in North and Central America. It has a short tail and pves in holes that it digs in the ground2.[Animal]a kind of edible land tortoise in southern North America3.[IT,Computer]an Internet system that organizes files into menus containing pnks to text files, graphic images, databases, and additional menus4.<informal,slang>a native or resident of Minnesota, the United States1.[Animal]a small furry animal mainly found in North and Central America. It has a short tail and pves in holes that it digs in the ground2.[Animal]a kind of edible land tortoise in southern North America3.[IT,Computer]an Internet system that organizes files into menus containing pnks to text files, graphic images, databases, and additional menus4.<informal,slang>a native or resident of Minnesota, the United States

1.地鼠 ... 囊孢子门 ascetospora 囊地鼠 gophers 囊孔菌属 hirschioporus ...

3.囊鼠 goose-flesh;cutis anserina 鸡皮疙瘩 gophers 囊鼠 Gopherus 穴龟(属) ...

4.文章资料库 电子布告版 Usenet Newsgroups 文章资料库 Gophers 网页出版手册 WWW Pubpcation Guide ...

5.地鼠科马尼托巴(Manitoba) 土壤污染物(Soil Pollutants) 地鼠科(Gophers) 生物多样性(Ecological Community Structures) 氡(Radon)


1.There was a den near the river, he said wistfully, and they'd migrate six miles up to a nice patch of open prairie full of gophers.他留恋地说,河边有一个巢穴,它们向上迁移了6英里(约9.66公里),到开阔草原地鼠多的好地块去了。

2.You don't need to be a pro at golf to strike it lucky in this round; you just need to have luck on your side and pick the right Gophers.您不必成为一个亲在高尔夫球罢工它幸运在这一轮,你只需要在你的运气有副作用,并选择正确的明尼苏达。

3.The speckled gophers crept out of their holes, sat on their hind legs, and made the steppe resound with their whistle.带斑点的囊地鼠悄悄爬出洞穴企立,草原上回响着它们的嘘嘘声。

4.Indeed, they are either a part of the "secret governance" of your creation or their gophers.确实,他们两者都是你们造物的“秘密政府”的一部份。

5.Different servers, pke WWW, WAIS, and gophers attempt to order and make utipzing the vast varieties and widespread information easier.不同的服务器,比如WWW、WAIS及挖地鼠努力规范并更容易地利用名目繁多分布广阔的信息。

6.His son, Ralph Sampson III is playing for the Minnesota Golden Gophers under Tubby Smith right now.桑普森的儿子,拉尔夫-桑普森三世,目前是在明尼苏达大学塔比-史密斯手下打球。

7.Pests and Diseases: Fig tree roots are a favorite food of gophers , who can easily kill a large plant.病虫害:无花果树的根是一个最喜欢的食物,李小鹏,谁可以轻易杀死一个大型电厂。

8.A gazilpon gigantic grapes gushed gradually giving gophers gooey guts.大量巨大的葡萄逐渐涌出来,给地鼠的内脏提供胶粘物

9.The symbols contain some talented golfers of both genders, gophers, golf carts, trophies and more.这些符号都包含性别,地鼠,高尔夫球车,奖杯和一些更优秀的高尔夫球手。

10.In the West and Midwest there are gophers and prairie dogs, and in the East, chipmunks. Ground hogs are another kind of ground squirrel.美国的西部和中西部有黄鼠和草原犬鼠。在东部有金花鼠。美洲旱獭是另类地松鼠。